#SciFiSummer Reading Challenge 2024

SCI-FI SUMMERReading Challenge

Summer is the best time of year to read science fiction. So, I’m reading as much Sci-Fi as possible from June 20th, the official first day of Summer, to the 21st of September (the day before the Autumnal Equinox). I’ve got a lot of it on my TBR shelves, and I’m inviting all of you to join me!

Here are the challenge levels:

  • Red Shirt – 1 to 3 books
  • Viper Pilot – 4 to 6 books
  • Browncoat – 7 to 9 books
  • Time Lord – 10 or more books

Once again, I’ll be trying for “Browncoat” (I aim to misbehave). I have a large variety of Sci-Fi books I’ve been wanting to read for a while so I think this will be the perfect goal for me.

Any book of at least 100 pages that is classified as Science Fiction, including any Sci-Fi subgenres, qualifies for this challenge.  That means audiobooks, physical books, ebooks, library books, free books, other borrowed books, anthologies, and graphic novels are all acceptable options.  You may also count any Sci-Fi book that counts towards another reading challenge.

Are you up to the #SciFiSummer challenge? Sign up by leaving a comment! (Links to reviews or TBR lists are welcome, too!)

#COYER 2024 – Unwind

It’s been several years since I’ve participated in #COYER, hosted by Berls, Michelle, Lillian, and Stephanie, but I have so many ebooks I’ve been neglecting in favor of trying to get my physical TBR under control, that I’m going to join in this annual reading challenge once again.

I’m not going to repeat all of the rules since they can be found at the #COYER link above, but the basics are that there are four chapters for the reading challenge portion and four semesters for the community challenge portion. While I’ll participate in the community challenge as I can (which will include some readathons and other activities), my focus will be the reading challenge.

  • Chapter 1 will run from January to March and will return to the strict rules for Winter.
  • Chapter 2 will run from April to June and the rules will be a little looser (including physical books).
  • Chapter 3 will run from July to September and the rules? What rules?!
  • Chapter 4 will run from October to December and the rules will be like in the Spring.

Since #COYER Winter only includes free or nearly free ebooks and audiobooks that aren’t library books, borrowed books, or included in Kindle Unlimited, Amazon Prime, or the Audible Plus Catalog, I’ve added the books from my TBR that count to a new COYER bookshelf on GoodReads. I’ll pull from these throughout the year, and read other books when they count during the other Chapters.

Will you be participating in #COYER? Let me know in the comments!

#SciFiSummer Reading Challenge 2023

SCI-FI SUMMERReading Challenge

For me, the Summer is the best time of year for reading Science Fiction. So, from June 21st, the official first day of Summer, to the 22nd of September (the day before the Autumnal Equinox), I’m reading as much Sci-Fi as possible. I’ve got a lot of it on my TBR shelves, and I’m inviting all of you to join me!

Here are the NEW challenge levels:

  • Red Shirt – 1 to 3 books
  • Viper Pilot – 4 to 6 books
  • Browncoat – 7 to 9 books
  • Time Lord – 10 or more books

If you’ve participated in previous years, you may have noticed that I’ve reduced the number of books this year. I’ve also changed the level name “Jedi” to “Browncoat”, and it’s the level I will be trying for (I aim to misbehave). I have a large variety of Sci-Fi books I’ve been wanting to read for a while so I think this will be the perfect goal for me this year.

Any book of at least 100 pages that is classified as Science Fiction, including any Sci-Fi subgenres, qualifies for this challenge.  That means audiobooks, physical books, ebooks, library books, free books, other borrowed books, anthologies, and graphic novels are all acceptable options.  You may also count any Sci-Fi book that counts towards another reading challenge.

Are you up to the #SciFiSummer challenge? Sign up by leaving a comment! (Links to reviews are welcome, too!)

Sci-Fi Summer Reading Challenge 2022

SCI-FI SUMMERReading Challenge

There’s Sci-Fi November and Vintage Sci-Fi January, but for me, the Summer is the best time of year for reading Science Fiction. I hadn’t planned on doing these anymore, but #WyrdandWonder inspired me to bring this challenge back  So, from June 21st, the official first day of Summer, to the 21st of September (the day before the Autumnal Equinox), I’m reading as much Sci-Fi as possible. I’ve got a lot of it on my TBR shelves, and I’m inviting all of you to join me!

Here are the challenge levels:

  • Red Shirt – 1 to 5 books
  • Viper Pilot – 6 to 10 books
  • Jedi – 11 to 15 books
  • Time Lord – 16 or more books

This year, I’m taking it easy, and shooting for Viper Pilot. I read an average of 6 books a month, but a lot of the Sci-Fi books I’d like to try this year are longer, and I don’t want to zap the fun out of the challenge with the unnecessary pressure to meet a deadline.

Any book of at least 100 pages that is classified as Science Fiction, including any Sci-Fi subgenres, qualifies for this challenge.  That means audiobooks, physical books, ebooks, library books, free books, other borrowed books, anthologies, and graphic novels are all acceptable options.  You may also count any Sci-Fi book that counts towards another reading challenge.

Are you up to the #SciFiSummer challenge? Sign up by leaving a comment! (Links to reviews are welcome, too!)

Wyrd & Wonder 2022

Artwork by chic2view from 123RF.com

This is my first year participating in the monthlong Wyrd & Wonder Fantasy celebration!

About Wyrd & Wonder (from their sign-up page):

Wyrd and Wonder is an annual celebration of the fantasy genre. Sign up to join the party as we explore worlds of myth and magic, re-imagine traditional tales, cheer on heroes (prefer villains? Sure, we won’t judge you) and discover the secret doors that lead from familiar streets to adjacent realms where a discourtesy or a misstep may land you in hot water. We’ll be reading books, watching movies, playing games and sharing our thoughts online through blog posts and social media with as many like-minded adventurers as care to join us – there’s always room by the fire for a newcomer with a tale to share.

There are daily prompts, and even though I’m a bit late in doing this, today’s prompt is titled, “Best Laid Plans,” and is all about our Fantasy TBRs.

Y’all who have followed my blog for a while now probably already know that I’m not great at sticking to a strict TBR or stack of books. I’m a bit of a mood reader, so it’s good for me to have lots of options. Luckily, I have plenty of them from my physical bookshelves alone, and even more to choose from when it comes to ebooks and audiobooks. With that being said, I made a list just for this month on Goodreads. It has 117 potential Fantasy reads for me to pick from throughout the month.

Since I’ve already started it, I did not include Gallant by V.E. Schwab on the list, but I will be finishing it tonight before I go to bed.

After that, I think I’ll pick the book I had been most looking forward to reading yesterday during Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon, The Magic Misfits by Neil Patrick Harris.

Here’s to a Wyrd and Wonderful May!!!

Are you participating in #WyrdandWonder? What Fantasy book(s) are you currently reading?

R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril XVI

The R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril challenge, otherwise known as R.I.P. takes place every September 1st through October 31st.

The purpose of the R.I.P. Challenge is to enjoy books that could be classified as Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Dark Fantasy, Gothic, Horror, or Supernatural.

There are multiple levels of participation (Perils):

  • Peril of the Fiction – Read books of any length that fit the definition of R.I.P. literature.
  • Peril of the Short Story – Read short stories any time during the challenge.
  • Peril of the Real – Read any true tales of horror.
  • Peril of the Listen – Listen to RIP-related audiobooks, podcasts, and music.
  • Peril on the Screen – This is for those of us who like to watch suitably scary, eerie, mysterious, Gothic fare during this time of year. It may be something on the small screen or large.
  • Peril of the Group Read – During the month of October, there will be a group read of Shirley Jackson’s The Sundial.
  • Readers Imbibing Peril Bingo:

This year, I’ll be doing Peril of the Fiction, Peril of the Listen, Peril on the Screen, Peril of the Group Read, and trying to get a Bingo. I might also add in a bit of Peril of the Short Story if I decide to pick up one of the short story collections on my TBR. I’ve got a huge list of books on Goodreads for me to choose from for this event, the Something Wicked Fall challenge, the month-long FrightFall Readathon, and the 24-Hour Readathon happening in October.

Are you participating in #RIPXVI or reading any spooky reads over the next couple of months? Leave a comment!

The 2021 #ShelfLove Challenge!

Back in 2015, one of my favorite book bloggers, Terri from “Second Run Reviews” hosted the “Show Your Shelves Some Love” no book buying challenge. I recently caught up with Terri, who moved on from blogging to working in the book industry and now owns her own bookstore, Swamp Fox Bookstore! She gave me the go-ahead to host my own version of the challenge. Read on to find out the details!

Goal: Abstain from buying books or set a book buying limit – and focus on clearing your physical and virtual TBR bookshelves for the entire year.

Challenge Dates: January 1st – December 31st, 2021


  • Abstain from spending money on books for one calendar year or set a book buying limit (whether that’s monetary or the number of books you may buy).
  • Gift cards are OK as well as any Audible credits you already have in your account.
  • Encourage other challenge participants via blog comments and social media.
  • Participate in the monthly discussion posts. The link-up is on the #ShelfLove challenge 2021 page.
  • Library books do not count for this challenge. This challenge is only for books you already own.
  • Netgalley, Edelweiss, or other ARC books can count for this because you have the book, so read it!
  • Read books that are in your personal library that were obtained before January 1, 2021.
  • Yes, there will be a giveaway. Read the #ShelfLove challenge 2021 page for the giveaway details!


  • 1-10 books: shake hands with your shelves
  • 11-20 books: pat your shelves on the back
  • 21-30 books: give your shelves a warm friendly hug
  • 31-40 books: regular date night with your shelves
  • 41-50 books: your shelves are now your BFF
  • 51+ books: your shelves and you are going steady – I’m choosing this goal because my reading goal for 2021 will be more than 50 books.  I’m a member of the Fantastic Strangelings book club, so I am allowing myself to continue my subscription. These books, plus whatever books I check out from the library should be more than enough, but the key is to stay away from the book stores!


  • Create a sign-up post that includes your chosen goal on your blog or any social media platform (Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Litsy, etc.).
  • Don’t forget to use the challenge hashtag #ShelfLove.
  • Go to the #ShelfLove challenge 2021 page to link your post and enter into the giveaway!

NO BOOK BUYING CHALLENGE STEP 3: Monthly Discussion Posts(Optional)

  • December 2020/January 2021: I’m joining in the #ShelfLove Challenge 2021! Tell us your goals for the challenge this year.  Will you be going on an all-out book buying ban or are you setting a book buying limit? Share pictures of your TBR piles or link up to your GoodReads Shelves.
  • February: Free books! Where do you get free books?
  • March: The TBR pile. Tell us about the books that have been on your shelves the longest.
  • April: May I?! Tell us about one book you want to buy this year and give your best “sales pitch” for why you should be able to buy it.
  • May: Organizing the shelves! How do you organize your books? Alphabetical by title or author, by color, genre, or some other way?
  • June: Mid-year check-in post. How are you doing with the challenge? Look back at your January post and let us know how you are doing.  Share an updated picture or list of your TBR pile.
  • July: Dear Author. Show some love to the authors of your favorite books.
  • August: The perils of book hoarding! What are your pros and cons of owning a lot of books?
  • September: Library Love! Tell us about your local library.
  • October: Best bookish gifts! What are the best book-related gifts you’ve received?
  • November: Thankfulness. Are you thankful for taking on the #ShelfLove challenge? Do you have a greater appreciation for the books you own or for wherever you get free books?
  • December:  End of the year check-in post. Look back at your June and January posts and let us know how you did this year.  Share an updated picture or list of your TBR pile. Would you do the challenge again in 2022?

I can’t wait to read all y’all’s sign-up and discussion posts throughout the year!

#ThanksgivingReadathon 2019

Tomorrow begins the #ThanksgivingReadathon hosted by Jackie B @ Death by Tsundoku!
The idea is to read as many books as you can between the 25th of November and the 1st of December.  There will also be a Bookstagram challenge and a giveaway so check out the readathon announcement page above to find out all of the details.  While a TBR isn’t required, I created a short one anyway.


  • The Bookshop of Yesterdays by Amy Meyerson
  • Time Was Soft There by Jeremy Mercer
  • The Bookshop Book by Jen Campbell
  • One other book from my “Hygge” list.

Are you participating in the #ThanksgivingReadathon?  If not, do you have another readathon or other reading plans for the holiday?  Share in the comments!

The 2019 Sci-Fi Summer Reading Challenge!

SCI-FI SUMMERReading Challenge
There’s Sci-Fi November, and Vintage Sci-Fi January, but for me, the Summer is the time of year that is best for reading Science Fiction.  So, from June 21st, the official first day of Summer, to the 22nd of September (the day before the Autumnal Equinox), I’m reading as much Sci-Fi as possible.  I’ve got a lot of it on my TBR shelves, and I’m inviting all of you to join me.
Here are the challenge levels:

  • Red Shirt – 1 to 5 books
  • Viper Pilot – 6 to 10 books
  • Jedi – 11 to 15 books
  • Time Lord – 16 or more books

Any book of at least 100 pages that is classified as Science Fiction, including any Sci-Fi subgenres, qualifies for this challenge.  That means audiobooks, physical books, ebooks, library books, free books, other borrowed books, anthologies, and graphic novels are all acceptable options.  You may also count any Sci-Fi book that counts towards another reading challenge.  On June 21st, I’ll post the link up for your reviews, and it will stay open until September 29th.
Are you up to the #SciFiSummer challenge?  Link up your sign-up posts below:

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

The sign-up will remain open until September 15th, a week before the challenge ends.

N.E.W.T.s Readathon

Starting tomorrow, August 1st through the 31st, those of us joining Gintare over at Book Roast will be taking our N.E.W.T.s.  I spent quite a bit of time planning out a tentative TBR based on the requirements for each subject that I will be trying to complete on my path to becoming a Librarian.  I couldn’t find anything about the necessary grades to become a Librarian, but since most of the magical careers require at least an ‘E’ for “Exceeds Expectations” in most, if not all of the required subjects, that’s what I’m going to try for first.  However, I have to achieve an ‘O’ for Outstanding in at least one subject to pass my N.E.W.T.s in general.  That means, at a minimum, I’ll be attempting to read 11 books in August!
Ancient Runes:

  • Jackaby by William Ritter
  • The Reading Group by Elizabeth Noble
  • Rose of Fire by Carlos Ruiz Zafon


  • Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews
  • The Thickety by J.A. White
  • Get in Trouble by Kelly Link

Defense Against the Dark Arts:

  • The Sons of Macha by John Lenahan
  • Seraphina by Rachel Hartman
  • The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman

History of Magic:

  • Magyk by Angie Sage
  • Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit
  • Anywhere But Here by Jason D. Morrow

Muggle Studies:

  • The Space Between by Diana Gabaldon
  • Chasing the Flame by Samantha Power
  • Rose Daughter by Robin McKinley