The FrightFall readathon starts on October 1st and runs through the end of October, alongside #SomethingWickedFall, which started on September 1st.
There’s only one “rule” for #FrightFall, and that is at least one scary book (thriller, mystery, Gothic, etc.) has to be read during the readathon. Since that’s pretty much the only kind of book I read during this time of year, I’m good to go.

The read-along for this year’s #SomethingWickedFall is Stephen King’s Fairy Tale, which I’m loving so far. In addition to Fairy Tale, I have a ridiculous number of books I want to read for not only #FrightFall, but also #RIP, #TrappedInASpookyHouse, and #HauntedShelf. To make it easier, I created the list below for the October #BookSpin and #CastTheDie.

I won’t get to all of these books, but I’m going to try.
Are you participating in #FrightFall or #SomethingWickedFall? Leave a comment below!