Review Policy

I accept books for review. I’m honest and critical in my reviews, but acknowledge the five laws of Ranganathan. I believe that nearly all books have an audience, and it is my goal to help identify that audience. Occasionally, I will post reviews of books that didn’t work for me, but I strive to identify strengths and readers who would find the book a perfect fit.

My blog receives a small but regular amount of traffic, with an average of 570 page views per month, as of December 2018.

I’m selective in accepting pitches. The best way to approach me is to be familiar with my review policy and contact me with some knowledge of why your book would be a good fit for my reading interests and preferences.  Also, if your book contains graphic sexual violence, you must mention that in your pitch.  Otherwise, I will DNF your book.  I do write DNF reviews in which I explain exactly why I refused to continue reading.  I only respond to those pitches in which I have an interest.

I can’t make guarantees for reviews or other blog features, but I do my best to post reviews within a week before or after the publication date (for ARCs).  Already published books will be reviewed after the ARCs.

My favorite genres include Science Fiction and Fantasy (including dystopias and post-apocalyptic stories), and some Historical Fiction. These hold across Middle-Grade, YA, and Adult Fiction.  Please, do not pitch me paranormal romance or religious/inspirational fiction.


In addition to my blog, I post reviews on Goodreads and Litsy.  All reviews are also linked to X and Facebook.

Other Features

I’m receptive to author interviews, guest posts, and similar opportunities. I will not participate in a giveaway or do interviews if I’m not offered the chance to review the material beforehand.

Privacy Statement

I respect the privacy of all publishers, authors, and readers. Therefore, no publisher’s or author’s contact information will be shared with others, and no personal information of readers will be shared either.


Per FTC guidelines, as of Nov. 1st, 2014, I will disclose where I’ve received my review items. While I believe my reviews speak for themselves, I disclose any personal relationships I may have out of respect for my readers.

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