#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for December 4th – 10th.
  • I finished the Tour Mont Blanc on Walking 4 Fun and I’m now walking the C&O Canal Trail.
  • I’m putting aside my weekly goals for the remainder of the year and focusing on getting at least a little exercise every day, even if it’s just five minutes of stretching.
  • If you have a FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • Active Days: 2
  • Steps: 24,554
  • Miles: 10.02
  • Total Miles: 555.08
  • Active Minutes: 128

The 2021 #ShelfLove Challenge!

Back in 2015, one of my favorite book bloggers, Terri from “Second Run Reviews” hosted the “Show Your Shelves Some Love” no book buying challenge. I recently caught up with Terri, who moved on from blogging to working in the book industry and now owns her own bookstore, Swamp Fox Bookstore! She gave me the go-ahead to host my own version of the challenge. Read on to find out the details!

Goal: Abstain from buying books or set a book buying limit – and focus on clearing your physical and virtual TBR bookshelves for the entire year.

Challenge Dates: January 1st – December 31st, 2021


  • Abstain from spending money on books for one calendar year or set a book buying limit (whether that’s monetary or the number of books you may buy).
  • Gift cards are OK as well as any Audible credits you already have in your account.
  • Encourage other challenge participants via blog comments and social media.
  • Participate in the monthly discussion posts. The link-up is on the #ShelfLove challenge 2021 page.
  • Library books do not count for this challenge. This challenge is only for books you already own.
  • Netgalley, Edelweiss, or other ARC books can count for this because you have the book, so read it!
  • Read books that are in your personal library that were obtained before January 1, 2021.
  • Yes, there will be a giveaway. Read the #ShelfLove challenge 2021 page for the giveaway details!


  • 1-10 books: shake hands with your shelves
  • 11-20 books: pat your shelves on the back
  • 21-30 books: give your shelves a warm friendly hug
  • 31-40 books: regular date night with your shelves
  • 41-50 books: your shelves are now your BFF
  • 51+ books: your shelves and you are going steady – I’m choosing this goal because my reading goal for 2021 will be more than 50 books.  I’m a member of the Fantastic Strangelings book club, so I am allowing myself to continue my subscription. These books, plus whatever books I check out from the library should be more than enough, but the key is to stay away from the book stores!


  • Create a sign-up post that includes your chosen goal on your blog or any social media platform (Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Litsy, etc.).
  • Don’t forget to use the challenge hashtag #ShelfLove.
  • Go to the #ShelfLove challenge 2021 page to link your post and enter into the giveaway!

NO BOOK BUYING CHALLENGE STEP 3: Monthly Discussion Posts(Optional)

  • December 2020/January 2021: I’m joining in the #ShelfLove Challenge 2021! Tell us your goals for the challenge this year.  Will you be going on an all-out book buying ban or are you setting a book buying limit? Share pictures of your TBR piles or link up to your GoodReads Shelves.
  • February: Free books! Where do you get free books?
  • March: The TBR pile. Tell us about the books that have been on your shelves the longest.
  • April: May I?! Tell us about one book you want to buy this year and give your best “sales pitch” for why you should be able to buy it.
  • May: Organizing the shelves! How do you organize your books? Alphabetical by title or author, by color, genre, or some other way?
  • June: Mid-year check-in post. How are you doing with the challenge? Look back at your January post and let us know how you are doing.  Share an updated picture or list of your TBR pile.
  • July: Dear Author. Show some love to the authors of your favorite books.
  • August: The perils of book hoarding! What are your pros and cons of owning a lot of books?
  • September: Library Love! Tell us about your local library.
  • October: Best bookish gifts! What are the best book-related gifts you’ve received?
  • November: Thankfulness. Are you thankful for taking on the #ShelfLove challenge? Do you have a greater appreciation for the books you own or for wherever you get free books?
  • December:  End of the year check-in post. Look back at your June and January posts and let us know how you did this year.  Share an updated picture or list of your TBR pile. Would you do the challenge again in 2022?

I can’t wait to read all y’all’s sign-up and discussion posts throughout the year!

Monday’s Minutes

“Monday’s Minutes” is a weekly post in which I track my bookish life.

Currently Reading:

  • Adventures in Opting Out by Cait Flanders
  • The Loch Ness Papers by Paige Shelton
  • Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman


  • The Mermaid and the Bear by Ailish Sinclair

Total pages read this week: 234

Total books for the year: 82 of 85. I’ve got a big surprise for y’all tomorrow! I’m hoping it will help kickstart me into blogging regularly again (and not just 2 posts a week), and I’m looking forward to the post about it going live tomorrow morning. See you then!

What are you reading?

#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for November 27th – December 3rd.
  • Unfortunately, I got really lazy at the end of November.  I need to kick my butt into gear for this month, especially since it’s the last month of 2020 and my goal is to walk 45 miles by New Year’s Eve.
  • If you have a FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • Active Days: 3/7
  • Steps: 22,986/40,000
  • Miles: 9.40
  • Total Miles: 545.06
  • Active Minutes: 90/300

#ThanksgivingReadathon Wrap-Up!

Sunday was the final day of the #ThanksgivingReadathon hosted by Jackie B @ Death by Tsundoku!


  • Adventures in Opting Out by Cait Flanders
  • Friluftsliv by Oliver Luke Delorie
  • One other book from my “Hygge” list.

The only book I didn’t finish was Adventures in Opting Out.  Instead, I got distracted by other books on my Hygge list. I didn’t think I would read as much as I did! I’m pleased with the 603 pages and 4 books I finished, and this readathon was just what I needed.

  • Adventures in Opting Out by Cait Flanders
  • The Mermaid and the Bear by Ailish Sinclair
  • The Loch Ness Papers by Paige Shelton

Currently Reading:


  • Friluftsliv by Oliver Luke Delorie
  • A Fatal Chapter by Lorna Barrett
  • I Work at a Public Library by Gina Sheridan
  • Making Winter by Emma Mitchell

Monday’s Minutes

“Monday’s Minutes” is a weekly post in which I track my bookish life.

Currently Reading:

  • Adventures in Opting Out by Cait Flanders
  • The Mermaid and the Bear by Ailish Sinclair
  • The Loch Ness Papers by Paige Shelton


  • Friluftsliv by Oliver Luke Delorie
  • A Fatal Chapter by Lorna Barrett
  • I Work at a Public Library by Gina Sheridan
  • Making Winter by Emma Mitchell

Total pages read this week: 603

Total books for the year: 81 of 85. The #ThanksgivingReadathon was just what I needed. I now have all of December to finish 4 books, 3 of which I’m already reading. I’ll get my readathon wrap-up post up either today or tomorrow.

What are you reading?

#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for November 20th – 26th.
  • My weekly check-in completely slipped my mind yesterday.  The Boyfriend and I had such a good Thanksgiving with a couple of friends and then I spent Friday at home, eating leftovers, and enjoying the day.
  • If you have a FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • Active Days: 5/7
  • Steps: 36,776/40,000
  • Miles: 15.02
  • Total Miles: 535.66
  • Active Minutes: 146/300

Monday’s Minutes

“Monday’s Minutes” is a weekly post in which I track my bookish life.

Currently Reading:

  • Adventures in Opting Out by Cait Flanders
  • Friluftsliv by Oliver Luke Delorie
  • A Fatal Chapter by Lorna Barrett

Total pages read this week: 317

Total books for the year: 77 of 85. Today starts the #ThanksgivingReadathon. Instead of listening to podcasts, I’ll be listening to audiobooks. Instead of magazines, I’ll be reading physical books, and instead of reading articles on my phone, I’ll open up an ebook. Even though I’m still 1 book ahead of schedule for my reading goal, as things get busier, I don’t want to fall behind.

What are you reading?

#ThanksgivingReadathon 2020!

Tomorrow begins the #ThanksgivingReadathon hosted by Jackie B @ Death by Tsundoku!
The idea is to read as many books as you can between the 23rd and 29th of November.  There will also be a Bookstagram challenge and a giveaway so check out the readathon announcement page above to find out all of the details.  While a TBR isn’t required, I created a short one anyway.


  • Adventures in Opting Out by Cait Flanders
  • Friluftsliv by Oliver Luke Delorie
  • One other book from my “Hygge” list.

Are you participating in the #ThanksgivingReadathon?  If not, do you have another readathon or other reading plans for the holiday?  Share in the comments!

#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for November 13th – 19th.
  • I didn’t walk nearly as much as last week, but still more than I thought.  However, what happened with my active minutes?!  I have no idea how I only got 17 active minutes all week.
  • If you have a FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • Active Days: 5/7
  • Steps: 28,863/40,000
  • Miles: 11.61
  • Total Miles: 520.64
  • Active Minutes: 17/300