Tuesday’s Tunes: Literary Valentines

It’s been several months since I last did a “Tuesday’s Tunes.”  Since this is the one month of the year when everyone is supposed to be sappy and romantic or the complete opposite, or celebrating Galentine’s, I’ve put together a playlist of love-related songs mentioned in books or on the soundtracks of movie adaptations.  The only exception is “Where You Lead”, the theme song to Gilmore Girls.  However, Rory was a true book addict, so I consider the song to be just as much a “Literary Valentine” as the others.  There’s something to listen to, no matter your feelings about Cupid, relationships, or those chalky heart-shaped candies.

Literary Valentines

Bonus Life Hack: If you’re a chocoholic like me, wait until the day after Valentine’s Day to hit the stores and stock up on enough clearance chocolate to last until Easter.

Tuesday’s Tunes #4: It’s All About the Books

This Tuesday’s Tunes is a little different.  Instead of a Spotify playlist, I’ve put together a playlist of book-related videos on Youtube.  Click on the image and enjoy!

For the Love of Books Youtube Playlist


What are you favorite book-related videos?  Leave a link in the comments 🙂

Tuesday’s Tunes #3: The Third Wave

Ever since I got to the Third Wave writings in The Essential Feminist Reader, back during Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-Thon, I’ve been listening to a lot of 90’s music by women. I decided to share my favorites with all of you.  Some of these songs are NSFW.

Third Wave Playlist

Tuesday’s Tunes #2: 5HTP

For those of you who don’t know what 5HTP is, it’s one of the building blocks of serotonin, and a dietary supplement that is sold as an antidepressant.  It also happens to be the title of my go-to playlist for anytime I’m feeling down.  Since last week beat me up emotionally and mentally, I’ve decided to share it with you.  In addition to taking breaks to read anything not related to WWII, I’ve been listening to this playlist quite a bit, usually on my commute to school, and it has helped tremendously.

5HTP Playlist

What songs do you listen to that help you get out of the dumps?

Tuesday’s Tunes and Things #4: Christmas

I’ve been watching all my favorite holiday movies, and reading a couple of my favorite holiday books, while eating popcorn, drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows, and wearing my Hobbit Cardigan, favorite pajamas, and fuzzy socks.  The playlist below is the much shorter version of the Christmas music I love to have on in the background until I get sick of it and take it off my mp3 player until next year.

Christmas Playlist

Tuesday’s Tunes and Things #3: Winter

It’s getting closer to Christmas, but I’m not quite in the mood for Christmas music yet.  So, I’ve included my “Winter” playlist in this Tuesday’s Tunes and Things instead.  Also, since many of you might still be looking for that perfect gift or stocking stuffer (or you want to treat yourself to a little something), I’ve included a second bookish holiday gift guide (otherwise known as my wishlist part 2).

Winter Playlist

Tuesday’s Tunes and Things #2

Since it’s Book Week Scotland, and I’m hosting a read-along for Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott, I decided to dedicate this month’s playlist to Scotland.  Below is a link to my Spotify playlist, “Outlander”, named for the book and TV show.  I have a significantly longer version on my MP3 player that I listen to whenever I’m reading one of the “Outlander” books, or anything set in Scotland.

Outlander Playlist

 This month’s links are a bit all over the place.  There’s something interesting for everyone who loves books:

Tuesday’s Tunes and Things #1


I’ve decided to start this new feature called “Tuesday’s Tunes and Things”.  It will be a collection of literary links I’ve come across and a playlist of music I listen to while reading.  I’m thinking it will be a bimonthly or monthly post, instead of weekly.  Since it’s Horror October Fortnight, this one is Halloween themed.

While I’ve been reading Ray Bradbury’s Something Wicked This Way Comes for the read-along, I’ve been listening to this playlist.  Be warned: this book and music combo might keep you awake for fear of nightmares about Mr. Dark and the Dust Witch.  For whatever idiotic reason, the album “Carnival of Lost Souls” by Nox Arcana isn’t on Spotify, so it’s not on my playlist, but you can find it here.

[spotify id=”spotify:user:12161100118:playlist:28kx4aeQ9MBXJIVFYIdYS9″ width=”300″ height=”380″ /]
The 50 Scariest Short Stories of All Time (Flavorwire) – I’ve read several of these, and judging from that, I can say this is a great list.  What I love about it is the links to the stories so you have quick access to scaring yourself silly.

Literary Witches Quiz –  Test your knowledge of witches in literature.

9 Creepy Books to Read Just in Time for Halloween – Unfortunately I won’t have time to read any of these this October, since I’m trying to finish the three books I’m already reading by Halloween.  I’m adding a few of these to my list of books to read next October though.

5 Great Halloween Reads for Kids (Nerdist) – These are also great for those who prefer to keep their Halloween more fun than freaky.

21 Literary-Inspired Pumpkins Every Bookworm will Adore and 18 Literary Pumpkins for a Bookish Halloween – Sadly, I don’t have any artistic ability when it comes to carving pumpkins.  Otherwise, I would definitely make several of these.

3 Ghostly Good Reads – Kim, over at Bookmark to Blog, has convinced me to add Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake and The Diviners by Libba Bray to my TBR for next year.

Nightmare Magazine – I learned about this Horror and Dark Fantasy magazine from a review over at Book Punks.