Dewey’s 24-Hour #ReverseReadathon – Update

We’re now halfway through Dewey’s 24-Hour #ReverseReadathon!  I decided that I would rather read all day than fall asleep on the couch in the morning, so I went to bed around 10 pm, and got up at 4 am to catch up on the readathon posts by our lovely hosts.

  • Pages Read: 98
  • Books Read: The Dante Club by Matthew Pearl
  • Mini-Challenges: Pandemic Mood Booster
  • Yummy in my Tummy: Instead of eating dinner, I just snacked on some amazing treats from my favorite local bakery.

Until my final update and wrap-up post, at 5 pm PST, I’ll continue reading the The Dante Club and whatever other books grab me from my readathon shelf on Goodreads.

Whether you’re participating in the readathon or not, what book(s) are you currently reading?