Sunday’s Sundries: Fifth Dimension Books

Sundries - Dominic Hartnett
Image: Dominic Hartnett

Last night was the Boyfriend’s and my weekly date night.  On our way to a cafe that has the best fries I’ve ever tasted in my life, we came across a bookmobile called Fifth Dimension Books.  They specialize in Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Weird Tales, which are exactly the kind of books the Boyfriend and I both love to read.  I can’t buy any books, but most bookstores carry more than just books, and so we got on the bus to check it out.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s the best local bookseller I’ve come across in Austin, TX.  The boyfriend bought a “Big Damn Heroes” pin (for those who don’t know, it’s a “Firefly” reference), a book for him, and two books for me.  One of the books he got me was a surprise (he didn’t tell me he was buying me a book). It’s a hardcover edition of The Immortal Prince by Jennifer Fallon.  The other was one he let me pick out because it was a “Blind Date with a Book”.

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I’ve seen the “Blind Date with a Book” idea in libraries, but I’ve never seen it in a bookstore of any kind.  I’m very pleased with this idea, especially when I know I’m getting a book in a genre I enjoy, but it’s likely to be a book I wouldn’t normally take off the shelf.  It allows me to stretch just a little out of my comfort zone, but not so much that I risk abandoning the book.  The book I got is Primary Inversion by Catherine Asaro.  Not only is this book written by a woman, but also a physicist!  While female authors aren’t in any way outside my comfort zone, I read much more Fantasy than Sci-Fi.  This book is one I would have never thought of looking at to see if I’d be interested.  The blurb and praise on the back of the book make me think this will definitely be something I’ll like, and I’m looking forward to reading it.

I will be going back to Fifth Dimension Books.  I want to get one of their t-shirts, but I’m also going to be a regular customer after this year’s No Book Buying Challenge.  They’ll be my first stop whenever I have book money.

Sunday’s Sundries: TBR Jars

Sundries - Dominic Hartnett
Image: Dominic Hartnett

Felicia at The Geeky Blogger’s Book Blog has been working on a project to get her books in order.  Her updates on her progress inspired me to finally get my book life more organized, too.  I scanned all of my physical TBR books into Goodreads and then worked on getting all of my books (including my ebooks) into a spreadsheet.  I chose to do that instead of manually adding most of my ebooks, which aren’t Kindle books (Goodreads has an option to add all your Amazon book purchases without having to look them up one at a time).  It still took most of a day, since I copied and pasted the information from my order histories into a spreadsheet and then had to straighten it all out.

I was shocked to discover how many ebooks I have.  I figured that I had maybe 150 or so, but I found out I have over 400 ebooks that I’ve never read.  Over half of them were free, and 100 of those were bought within the past 12 months.  In fact, from the very first ebook I’ve ever bought, up to today, I’ve acquired more free ebooks in the past year than I have at any other time.  I’m certain that’s because I’m participating in the #ShelfLove No Book Buying Challenge.  I can’t pay money for books, but I can get all the free books I want.  Apparently, my brain took this to mean I was in a book famine and therefore I had to hoard all.the.books.

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Since I can’t see my ebook collection in the same way as my physical books, I decided to make a TBR jar for them.  I also did the math on how long it would take me to read all those books and decided to unsubscribe from the daily emails I receive full of free ebooks being offered.  If I continue to read 65 books a year like I did last year, it will take me over six years to finish my mountain of a TBR pile.  If I also continue adding 100 new ebooks every year, that mountain will continue to grow.  The phrase “When I die, I’ll be found next to a stack of books I was meaning to read” is very fitting to this stage in my book life.

I also made a TBR jar for my physical books, but for a different reason.  Do you ever stand in front of your TBR pile/shelf undecided about which book to read next?  I spend at least 10 minutes waffling between books I know I’m likely to send to the used bookstore and books I’ll probably want to keep forever.  The TBR jar takes the question out of what to read next.  Whatever comes out of the jar is what I’m reading.

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I don’t know where I got the image that I used for the labels, but I used “Algerian” font and named them “The Hobbit’s TBR Library” because the boyfriend nicknamed me Hobbit ages ago.  I used sticker printer paper to make the labels but then had to use a bit of clear tape on each end because it apparently doesn’t like sticking to acrylic.  I then spent hours cutting up the printed spreadsheet pages into strips so they would look like shredded newsprint.  I probably spent way too much time on these, but I figured they’re going to be in my life for at least the next six years so they might as well be pretty.

Do you have a TBR jar?  Leave a link to a picture of it in the comments.

Sunday’s Sundries: Harry Potter

Harry Potter books giphy

Last year, I posted that I was going to re-read the Harry Potter series after I learned about Hogwarts Online.  I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and completed most of my First Year classes at Hogwarts, but life intervened as it always does, and I never got back to the world of Harry Potter…until now.

I found out on Thursday that Bloomsbury announced the next Harry Potter Book Night.  It will be on February 4th, 2016.  To “prepare”, I’ve decided that I’m going to finish re-reading the series by reading one book a month starting in July.  That means I’ll finish Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows in January.  Since I’ve already read the first book, I’ve got a small breather in my already jam-packed schedule.

Instead of doing a read-along and review for each book, I’m thinking of doing a series of discussion questions at the end of each month, and perhaps throw in an “Easter egg” or bit of trivia.  Regardless, I’ll only be posting one Harry Potter related thing a month since I realize that not everyone is a fan of the series (I’m looking at you Boyfriend).

I won’t be doing a link up just yet, but if you’d like to join me, leave a comment with a link to your blog, Goodreads, Facebook, or Twitter.  Each month, you’ll have the opportunity to link up your Harry Potter related posts, and I’ll do my best to mention one, several, or all of them in the following months’ posts.  Who knows, by February 4th I might be able to do a giveaway for participants.

Sunday’s Sundries: The Importance of Translation

Sundries - Dominic Hartnett
Image: Dominic Hartnett
Image: Erik Tjallinks


If you do a simple web search for the percentage of Americans who are bilingual, you will find not only the statistic (1 out of every 4 according to a 2001 Gallup poll) but article after article on the fact that most Americans are monolingual and why that is a problem.  I’m not here to reiterate that, even though I do agree 100% that America needs to catch up with the rest of the world.  No one can share their thoughts and ideas without being able to communicate effectively.  However, putting the lack of bilingualism in America aside, no one person can communicate in every language, and so there will always be a need for translation, especially when we live in an increasingly fast-paced and global world.  We want information, we want to be able to understand it, and we want it now.  From the time that Dante began writing in his “vulgar” native Italian, instead of the Latin everyone in the western world who had had an education could understand, there has been a need for translation.  The idea of writing in the language of the people opened up a world of possibilities, but it also created a separation.  There is no such thing as a universal language.  Dr. Golato, an Associate Professor of French at Texas State University, brought up the fact that a lack of access to a piece of literature can lead to a lack of interest, and this is most often seen in the works of authors writing in what are called LCTLs, or Less Commonly Taught Languages.  After all, it’s not just monolinguist Americans that have a need for translation.

The Diary of Anne Frank, originally written in Dutch, has been translated and read in 67 languages, and it is a book read by young adults around the world.  It is the most well known personal first-hand account of someone who did not survive the Holocaust.  Her writing not only tells her thoughts and feelings, which are relatable to anyone who has ever been a teenager, but it makes the most horrific part of human history very real and side barunforgettable.  If The Diary of Anne Frank had never been translated, would the generations of people living today, who didn’t experience WWII or even the immediate after effects of the Holocaust, understand the unspeakable acts the Nazis committed in
quite the same way?  As a teenager, I had no interest in military history or the stories of my grandparents, who had been near adulthood when Anne Frank was writing her diary.  However, when I read her words, I was spurred on to read every story I could find, both fictional and true, about the Holocaust and the millions of people who suffered and died at the hands of those who hated them.  Reading about and trying to understand those events opened my eyes and changed how I view the world, and I doubt that would have happened if I had never read The Diary of Anne Frank.  I also know that I’m not the only one deeply affected by her writing.  During a conversation about translation with Dr. DiMauro-Jackson, a Senior Lecturer of French and Italian at TSU, I brought up my experience with reading The Diary of Anne Frank.  She shared her similar experiences when she read the book in not only her native Italian, but also in French, and in English, all translations, and all equally as powerful.

Another example that illustrates the importance of translation wasn’t a translation.  Chinua Achebe deliberately wrote his most famous book, Things Fall Apart, in English, to ensure it would reach not only a wider audience but his intended audience as
well, one which likely wouldn’t have read his book if he had written it in any other language.  Though his use of the “language of the oppressor” was heavily criticized by those that chose to write in indigenous African languages, he was more than successful at getting Things Fall Apart read by the English-speaking population.  His book became the most well known and taught piece of African literature and was eventually translated into 50 languages.  I had to read it, not once, but twice, while in college because of how important his book is to the world.  Another prolific author, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, who writes in Gikuyu, is someone whom I had never heard of until he was mentioned in passing during one of my college literature courses.  This is not to say that everyone has to write in English to get read, but to express the importance of having literature either written or translated into languages that are spoken by a large number of people.  The more people who read a piece of literature, the more likely that literature has an impact on the world.

An even more modern example of literature that has been read by people the world over is J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series.  With over 450 million copies sold she just might be the most widely read author of children’s literature in history.  That’s not likely to have happened if it weren’t for her books being translated from the original English into at least 67 other languages.  Her books allow people, across vastly different cultures, the ability to connect over a shared love of a magical world and the Boy Who Lived.  As Rachel Cordasco brings up in her article about reading books in translation, we are all human, and that means that, despite all our differences, we have a lot in common.

While it is extremely important for human beings to learn how to communicate with each other in more than one language and to be aware of the cultural differences that abound from one country to another, it is equally as important to have literature written throughout the world translated into multiple languages.  Translation allows for a wider audience, a cross-cultural connection, and the greater impact of ideas.  The Diary of Anne Frank, Things Fall Apart, and the Harry Potter series are just three examples in an impossible to count number of literary works that have been translated, shared, and discussed to the point that their messages and lessons have helped shape the world in which we live and have inspired so many to share their own stories or to learn more about the people and places they’ve read about.



Sunday’s Sundries: One Year Blogiversary!

Sundries - Dominic Hartnett
Image: Dominic Hartnett


Yesterday, April 4th, was my 1st blogiversary.  It’s hard to believe that a blog I started so I could participate in a read-a-thon has turned into a blog that has so much more than read-a-thon updates.  I really had no plan.  All I knew was that I wanted a way, other than Goodreads or Facebook, to get socially involved in an activity that, up to that point, had been a solo venture.  However, someone read one of my updates and was interested in what I had to say about a book I was reading.  In the spirit of socializing, I wrote a review for that book, and then I realized how much I enjoyed writing about what I had read.

After that, I started learning more about the book blogging community, as well as how to improve my blog.  I liked the idea that people were reading what I had to say.  I was also a little surprised.  There are so many book blogs out there to choose from, so I’m grateful for every single one of my readers, and I want to continue giving you what you come here to see.  I’m constantly thinking about or writing new content that I think most of you would be interested in, and that hasn’t been easy with all the day to day stuff I have to do outside of blogging.

Any of you who have read my “Monday’s Minutes” posts know that I’m a full-time student with only a couple semesters left to go before I graduate.  Senior courses are the most difficult and matter the most when it comes to grad school, but they’re at a time when the average student just wants it all to be over with already.  I’m not the average student, but I’m still ready to move on with my life.  I want to be making real money again, and have a job that I’m happy about going to on most days, if not every day.  I still want to go to grad school, but I need a couple years to breath before I take another plunge into the world of academia.

With all of that being said, I’m going to do the best I can to keep this blog going.  The rest of this year is going to be tough.  I’m taking courses over the Summer, looking for a part-time job to get me through to graduation, and I’ll be spending the Fall semester looking for a full-time job for after I graduate.  However, no matter how busy I get, I will write and publish at least one post every week, even if it’s just to check in with all of you and tell you how swamped I am, and I had no time to read, and OMG I’m going insane.  I hope it won’t ever get that bad.

To help me keep this blog filled with content you want, I’m working on a survey that will hopefully be up within the next week, and I’m open to any ideas or suggestions you have.  Feel free to comment below, or send me a message through the Contact the Reading Wench page.

Sunday’s Sundries: Making Connections

Sundries - Dominic Hartnett
Image: Dominic Hartnett


I’m writing this on Thursday night.  I don’t have class on Fridays, so, for me, Spring Break began when I got out of class on Thursday afternoon.  This semester has been nuts.  As soon as I got home, I laid down for some quiet time with Dresden the cat, and my favorite stuffed toy, Bobo the monkey.  The Boyfriend joined me when he got home from work.  This normally would be Date Night for the Boyfriend and me, but something came up with his gaming buddies and their usual gaming night got cancelled, so he’s off with them, and I’m at home doing whatever I want while listening to a playlist full of every Feminist singer and band I have in my collection.  The playlist is over 90 hours long.  I’m also drinking wine, so this post is getting saved until I can look at it with a sober eye.

So, what does any of that have to do with this post’s title?  Well, as many of you might know, at least those of you that have looked at my Goodreads recently, I started reading Amanda Palmer’s The Art of Asking on Monday.  I’ve been listening to the audiobook during my commute to school.  Normally that would mean I listen to about 2 hours each day.  The book is just under 12 hours long.  So, I should have had about 3 and half hours left by time I got home on Thursday.  I only have about 30 minutes left.  I’ve been listening to it whenever I have extra time, to the exclusion of every other book I’ve been reading lately.  There’s a theme that runs alongside the main one of getting comfortable with asking.  That secondary theme is all about connections.  Whether it’s making a connection in art, whatever the form, or with the world in general, or with strangers, fans, and loved ones, those connections, every single one of them, are important.

This isn’t my review of The Art of Asking.  I’ll be posting that later this month.  However, the book has made me do quite a bit of thinking.  The Boyfriend calls it “thunking”.  Up until now, I’ve stayed fairly anonymous and kept my life private.  I might comment about something vaguely personal on someone’s blog every once in a while, or mention something going on with school or the meditation retreat I’m on as this post gets published, but that’s been it, so far.  If it didn’t relate to books in some way, I shied away from sharing.  That needs to change.

I’m not saying I’m going to transition my blog into a tell-all so that everyone can read me like the proverbial book.  There are some things that are just no one’s business but my own.  However, when I have something to say, and the time to say it, I’m going to make that connection, or at least attempt to do so.  That’s also not to say that I haven’t already made a connection with some of you.  You’re following and reading my blog for a reason, whatever that might be.  Some of you frequently comment on what I write, and I’m grateful for those connections.  I’d like to make more connections, though.  I think I’m ready to let all of you know who I am…in small doses, of course.  I look forward to the possibilities.  I look forward to getting to know all of you as well.  So, whatever you want to share, whether it has anything to do with books or not, feel free to connect with me through my contact form or in the comments.

Sunday’s Sundries: 20 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

Sundries - Dominic Hartnett
Image: Dominic Hartnett

Sunday’s Sundries are my random posts that don’t really fit into any of my other features.

I was tagged by Michelle @ Because Reading is Better than Real Life.

20 Questions About Me:




No, none that I’m aware of.


Bloggers who don’t edit for grammatical and spelling errors.  It’s one thing to have a typo every once in a while, but if the majority of posts are so full of errors that I have difficulty reading them, then I’m going to stop reading and move on to another blog.


Bullies on I-35.


There’s no way I could ever pick just one favorite song since my musical tastes go across all genres and eras/decades.


None.  I stay far, far away from Etsy because there are way too many lovely things that I want to buy, but I have no money to spend.


I spend whatever free time I have reading when the Boyfriend isn’t home.  If he is home, I’m writing or gaming. 


I would say dark chocolate, but since chocolate comes from a plant, it’s really salad, right?



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All of my favorite books are listed HERE.


I have no idea what brand it is, but it’s a vanilla-flavored lip balm that I got in my Christmas stocking from Santa (aka the Boyfriend’s Mom).  I use it every day.


I mispronounced the word “collegiate” in front of the Boyfriend and his Mom because I had never heard the word spoken out loud. 


Water.  Hydration is important.  If it’s not the only beverage I can drink, then a daily Chai Latte would be awesome.


“The Princess Bride”.  I have many other favorites, but I could watch that one every day and not get tired of it.


I was a loner nerd.


I have traveled to many parts of the world throughout my life, and, so far, my favorite place has been South Korea.  However, I don’t know if I would want to live there permanently.  I lived there for 3 years, and while I loved it, I enjoyed coming back to the U.S.  So, maybe someplace in Western Europe, like Scotland, England, or France.

17. PC OR MAC?

PC.  I despise Apple.


The Boyfriend took me to a fondue restaurant for Valentine’s Day.


Hmmm….I don’t keep up with celebrities, but for years I greatly admired Angelina Jolie.  I suppose I still do, but I also love Emma Watson, J.K. Rowling, and Henry Rollins.


Well, if I gave an answer, it wouldn’t be a secret anymore, now would it?  She’s one of the bloggers I’ve tagged…

Tag!  You’re It: