Monday's Minutes

“Monday’s Minutes” is a weekly post in which I track my bookish life.  All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.
Currently Reading:

  • Becoming Odyssa by Jennifer Pharr Davis
  • The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens


  • Treasury of Christmas Stories ed. by Ann McGovern
  • 4000 Years of Christmas by Earl W. Count and Alice Lawson Count

Total pages read this week: 204
Total books for the year: 91 of 90.  Since tomorrow is Christmas, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!  I’m in Arizona right now, visiting some of the Boyfriend’s family.  I’ll be back in time for the last “Down the TBR Hole” post of the year, but as soon as this post goes live, I’m taking a break from the internet.
What are you reading this week?

Down the TBR Hole #51

Image: hjl

Down the TBR Hole was started by Lia over at Lost in a Story.  All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.

How it works:

  • Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

I will be repeating this process until I’ve filtered out my entire TBR.

My TBR pile is down to 692.  My TBR goal for the remainder of the year is 690.  With only one more “Down the TBR Hole” posts for 2018, it might be a close call unless I finish reading 2 more books.

This week’s books:

This is the Night by Jonah C. Sirott – KEEP.  I don’t remember when or why I got this ebook, but the synopsis sounds like it might be an interesting read so I’ll keep it for now.

The Girl from Krakow by Alex Rosenberg- GO.  I’m pretty sure this was a freebie.  I got it based on the assumption that it had to do with WWII.  While a large part of it does, I can’t get past the line in the synopsis, “…Rita is armed with a secret so enormous that it could cost the Allies everything, even as it gives her the will to live.” I just don’t find that plausible at all.  Even worse, the book is explained again in the author’s bio, but this time as a “thriller” and mentions the main character’s “lover.”  Nope.  Can’t do it.

Sleepless by Michael Omer – KEEP.  This book will either be absolutely horrible or totally awesome.  I am determined to find out, probably next October.

The Einstein Prophecy by Robert Masello – GO.  The synopsis makes this book sound like The Da Vinci Code minus the religious aspects.  Just No.

Sit. Stay. Heal. by Spike Gillespie – KEEP.  Spike Gillespie is from Austin, Texas, and if I remember correctly, I came across her and her book on Twitter.  As someone who has suffered from mental illness, I look forward to reading what she has to say.

My to-read shelf is down to 690 books!!!  Yay, I did it!!!  I’m not going to dare to try to get it down to 685 by New Year’s Day, but there is one more “Down the TBR Hole” post before then, and I’m on vacation. Let’s see if I can knock a few more off the mountain before the end of the year.

#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for December 14th – 20th.
  • It was another busy week, and today will be just as busy since I’m wrapping up work to start Winter Closure and also packing for my trip to Arizona.
  • If you have a FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • Workouts: 6/6
  • Steps: 57,339/50,000
  • Miles: 23.69
  • Total Miles: 771.36
  • Active Minutes: 435/210

Monday's Minutes

“Monday’s Minutes” is a weekly post in which I track my bookish life.  All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.
Currently Reading:

  • Becoming Odyssa by Jennifer Pharr Davis
  • The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Treasury of Christmas Stories ed. by Ann McGovern


  • The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly
  • Christmas with Anne by L.M. Montgomery

Total pages read this week: 520
Total books for the year: 89 of 90.  Only 1 more book to go to reach my reading goal for the year!  With this Friday being my last day of work until January, I don’t think I’ll have a problem finishing at least 1 of my 3 current reads, and I’m still planning on re-reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
What are you reading this week?

Down the TBR Hole #50

Image: hjl

Down the TBR Hole was started by Lia over at Lost in a Story.  All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.

How it works:

  • Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

I will be repeating this process until I’ve filtered out my entire TBR.

My TBR pile is down to 694.  My new TBR goal for the remainder of the year is 690.  It’s looking more and more achievable as I finish books and start new ones.  I’m nearly done with Christmas with Anne by L.M. Montgomery, and I’m planning to finish it before the end of the day. So let’s see where I end up with this week’s trip down the TBR hole.

This week’s books:


The Stranger’s Magic and The Stranger’s Shadow by Max Frei – KEEP.  I put these two together since they’re the 3rd and 4th book of a series I love.  There’s no way I would get rid of these and never find out what happens to The Unequaled Sir Max.

Harmony Black by Craig Schaefer- GO.  The synopsis makes it abundantly clear that this is yet another formulaic Paranormal Romance.  No, thank you.

The Holly Tree by Charles Dickens – KEEP.  I’m hoping I’ll have time to read this before the end of the month.

Geek Anthropology of Loki’s Army by Pepi Valderrama – KEEP.  This probably won’t be nearly as interesting as I thought when I got it, but I’m still willing to give it a chance.

The Priest Hole by Amy Cross – KEEP.  This is another one that probably won’t be as good as I originally thought it would be when I got it.  Like the book above, it was a freebie, and the title was what caught my interest.

My to-read shelf is down to 693 books.  I think I can knock off or read 3 books by the end of 2018; especially since Friday is my last day of work until January 3rd.

#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for December 7th – 13th.
  • My step count and miles are down this week thanks to having difficulty sleeping at night and feeling tired all day.
  • If you have a FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • Workouts: 4/6
  • Steps: 38,387/50,000
  • Miles: 15.93
  • Total Miles: 747.67
  • Active Minutes: 142/210

Monday's Minutes

“Monday’s Minutes” is a weekly post in which I track my bookish life.  All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.
Currently Reading:

  • Becoming Odyssa by Jennifer Pharr Davis
  • The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly
  • The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien


  • Not the Killing Type by Lorna Barrett

Total pages read this week: 417
Total books for the year: 87 of 90.  I’ve only got 3 more books to go to reach my reading goal for the year.  I’ve started my annual read of The Hobbit, which should go by quickly, and I plan on reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens before Christmas (as I also do every year), so that leaves me with one book to finish before the 31st.  I was hoping to finish The Book of Lost Things this weekend, but it looks like that will continue to be my “bus book” despite how much I’m enjoying it. 
What are you reading this week?

Down the TBR Hole #49

Image: hjl

Down the TBR Hole was started by Lia over at Lost in a Story.  All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.

How it works:

  • Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

I will be repeating this process until I’ve filtered out my entire TBR.

My TBR pile is still sitting at 696.  I only have one book to either read or remove to reach my goal of 695 books before the end of the year.

This week’s books:

The Aeronaut’s Windlass by Jim Butcher – KEEP.  I got this book as a gift for the Boyfriend.  He devours anything written by Butcher and got me hooked on “The Dresden Files” series.  I want to read this one so badly, but I’m waiting until I get caught up on “The Dresden Files.”

The Shelf Life of Happiness by David Machado- GO.  I think this was one of the Kindle First Reads books, but I can’t remember.  All I know is that I chose it because of the cover and the title.  I didn’t even read the synopsis, but assumed the story would involve a road trip.  Now that I have read the synopsis, I’m no longer interested, but it’s still a cool cover and title.

Emotional Rescue by Ben Greenman – KEEP.  Besides stories about road trips, books involving music or a playlist/soundtrack are in my wheel house; personal essays even more so.

The Last Woman Standing by Thelma Davis – KEEP.  I have no idea how I came across this book, but I know from reading the synopsis why I chose to get it.  It is the story of Josephine Marcus, the daughter of Jewish immigrants and Wyatt Earp’s common-law wife.  I want to know her story.

Virgins by Diana Gabaldon – KEEP.  I will auto-buy just about anything involving Jamie Fraser. End of story.

My to-read shelf is still at 695 books!!! Should I try for 690 by the end of the month?  I’ve got the last 10 days of the year off from work, and I intend to spend most of that time with my nose in a book. I’m also halfway through The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly, and I’m hoping to finish it this weekend.

#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for November 30th – December 6th.
  • This has been a very busy week for me, and that is reflected in the number of steps I racked up.
  • If you have a FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • Workouts: 6/6
  • Steps: 59,643/50,000
  • Miles: 24.54
  • Total Miles: 731.74
  • Active Minutes: 292/210

Monday's Minutes

“Monday’s Minutes” is a weekly post in which I track my bookish life.  All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.
Currently Reading:

  • Becoming Odyssa by Jennifer Pharr Davis
  • Not the Killing Type by Lorna Barrett
  • The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly


  • Dragons of Autumn Twilight by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman

Total pages read this week: 118
Total books for the year: 86 of 90.  I don’t know what happened, but I know I did not read much this week.  At least I finished a book and only have 4 left to read to meet my goal for the year.
What are you reading this week?