“Building the Book Fort” is a weekly post in which I track my bookish life.
Currently Reading:
- The Essential Tea Guide by Teressa Hansch
- Recollections by Colette
- Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood
- The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

- The Bone Shard Daughter by Andrea Stewart
- Stuff and Nonsense by Andrew Seiple
- Storm Glass by Jeff Wheeler
- Oddball by Sarah Andersen
- El Arroyo’s Big Book of Signs: Volume One by S. Arroyo

Total pages read this week: 896
Total books for 2022: 14 of 85.
This week’s post is for 2 weeks’ worth of reading since I missed posting last Monday. I’m finding it difficult to come up with the time to get blog posts written and posted during the week, so I’m shifting to the weekends. I’ll be posting these weekly reading updates on Sundays, and that means the title needed an update, hence “Building the Book Fort.”
I’m hoping that I’ll be able to come up with the time to start posting more than two posts a week, but for now, I’m just grateful that I’m starting to come out of the depression I’ve been in for so long. I’ve rarely talked about my mental health issues here, but this past week, I’ve had more energy to do not only the things I have to get done, but things I actually enjoy doing as well. I hadn’t realized just how bad things had got, and while I’m not going to assume that everything is all hunky-dory now, I’m taking advantage of this improved mood and energy for as long as it lasts.
What are you reading? Let me know in the comments!