#COYER 2024 – Unwind

It’s been several years since I’ve participated in #COYER, hosted by Berls, Michelle, Lillian, and Stephanie, but I have so many ebooks I’ve been neglecting in favor of trying to get my physical TBR under control, that I’m going to join in this annual reading challenge once again.

I’m not going to repeat all of the rules since they can be found at the #COYER link above, but the basics are that there are four chapters for the reading challenge portion and four semesters for the community challenge portion. While I’ll participate in the community challenge as I can (which will include some readathons and other activities), my focus will be the reading challenge.

  • Chapter 1 will run from January to March and will return to the strict rules for Winter.
  • Chapter 2 will run from April to June and the rules will be a little looser (including physical books).
  • Chapter 3 will run from July to September and the rules? What rules?!
  • Chapter 4 will run from October to December and the rules will be like in the Spring.

Since #COYER Winter only includes free or nearly free ebooks and audiobooks that aren’t library books, borrowed books, or included in Kindle Unlimited, Amazon Prime, or the Audible Plus Catalog, I’ve added the books from my TBR that count to a new COYER bookshelf on GoodReads. I’ll pull from these throughout the year, and read other books when they count during the other Chapters.

Will you be participating in #COYER? Let me know in the comments!

#COYER – Big Summer Birthday Bash!

COYER turns 5 this summer and we’re celebrating with a Big Summer Birthday Bash!  There’s a lot going on this COYER, so I’m only going to share with you the parts that I’ll be doing.  For the full details, click on the link above.

The Basics

  • The challenge begins June 9th and ends August 31st.
  • It’s Summer and that means anything goes! It can be any format, any price, obtained from any legal location.

Birthday Bash Goody #1 – Declare your cleaning goal!

I’ll be going for “Lightly Clean” by reading  up to 10 books.

Birthday Bash Goody #3 – Participate in at least 1 Readathon!

I’ll be participating in the following:

  • Fairy Tales with a Twist: Read fairy tale re-tellings from Sunday June 17th to Saturday June 23rd.
  • Dusting Off The Shelves: Read the oldest books on your TBR. They have to have sat on your shelf for at least 1 year. Readathon runs Sunday July 29th to Saturday August 4th.
  • Scary Stories by the Campfire!: Read about ghosts, goblins, and any other horror/thriller that would make for a scary campfire tale from Sunday August 5th to Saturday August 11th.

Birthday Bash Goody #4 – Participate in one or all the Mini-Challenges hosted by COYER participants!

I don’t know what the mini-challenges will be, but I’m sure I’ll want to participate in at least one of them.

Birthday Bash Goody #5 – Participate in the mini-scavenger hunt!

The mini-scavenger hunt runs from Sunday August 12th to Saturday August 25th.  You can get the scavenger hunt list on the main sign-up page.

Birthday Bash Goody #6 – Participate in the Social Media Games in the Facebook group and the Twitter parties!

Social Media Games I might participate in:

  • Monday: What are you reading?
  • Tuesday: Cora COYER
  • Thursday: Tell Me with a GIF
  • Saturday: COYER Trivia
  • Sunday: COYER Update

Twitter Parties I’ll be able to do:

  • Kick-Off Twitter Party: Sunday, June 10th at 4pm EST
  • Saturday, July 14th at 11am EST
  • Saturday, August 18th at 12pm EST
  • Sneak Peak: Sunday, August 26th at 4pm EST

Birthday Bash Goody #7 – Fill in 1 or all 4 BINGO Boards!

I doubt I’m going to be able to read enough books to fill in an entire BINGO board, but I’m going to try!

Birthday Bash Goody #8 – Survive Hurricane Berls!

Read only eBooks, $1 or less, that you already own (including ARCs), from Wednesday July 25th to Saturday July 28th.

Birthday Bash Goody #9 – Make a list of 15 books and read a least 10 of them!

I put my list on Goodreads.

Birthday Bash Goody #10 – Participate in the Switch!

Each week from Sunday June 24th to Saturday July 14th, do the Strict, the List, and the One with the Twist.  I’ll do the Switch in that order.

The Strict – June 24th to june 30th

  1. Every book you read must be an eBook or audiobook.
  2. Every book must be either free or less than $5.
  3. No library books, borrowed books, or Kindle Unlimited.

The List – July 1st to july 7th

  1. Make a list of up to 15 books you want to read (I’m using the same list I made for Goody #9)
  2. Every book on the list must be in your possession before you put them on the list. Books can be any format, any price, obtained any legal way.

The One with the Twist – July 8th to july 14th

  1. You can read any book, any price, obtained any legal way.
  2. The Twist is you have to stick with one format. I’ll be sticking to eBooks.

Are you participating in the #COYER Summer Birthday Bash?

#COYER Winter Switch!

It’s time to get ready for another round of #COYER!  The challenge begins December 16th and ends March 9th.  I’ll be participating in the “Switch”, which is outlined below, but click on the link to get all of the details.

COYER Switch

There are 3 components: “The Strict”, “The List”, and “The One with the Twist”.  Each component will be done once, in any order, at one of the 3 phases:

  • December 16 – January 12
  • January 13 – February 9
  • February 10 – March 9

The Strict

  1. Every book you read must be an eBook or audiobook.
  2. Every book must be either free or less than $5.
  3. No library books, borrowed books, or Kindle Unlimited.

The List

  1. Make a list of up to 30 books you want to read.
  2. Every book on the list must be in your possession BEFORE you put them on the list.
  3. You can add 5 new books for every 5 books you read.
  4. Books on the list can be any format, any price, obtained any LEGAL way.

The One with the Twist

  1. You can read ANY book. ANY price. Obtained any LEGAL way.
  2. “The Twist” is that you have to stick with one format; audiobook, ebook, or physical.

I’m going to do “The List” first, from December 16th to January 12th, then “The One with the Twist” second, from January 13th to February 9th, and then I’ll wrap up this round of COYER with “The Strict” from February 10th to March 9th.  I’ve already put together my List on Goodreads, and I’m going to stick to my physical books for “The One with the Twist”.  I’ve created another list of the free/less than $5 ebooks and audiobooks I have for “The Strict”, but it’s a work in progress.
From now until #COYER starts, I’ll be trying to finish up all of my current reads so I can start fresh with a book from my list.  Are you participating in #COYER Winter Switch?  What do you think of the books on my list?  Are there any I should I read first?

#COYER – Summer Reading List


Yeah! It’s almost time for #COYER Summer!  They’re doing things a bit differently this year, and I’ve decided to join in on the fun that is the Summer Reading List.

Summary of the Rules (check out the sign-up page to see all of the details.)

  1. The challenge starts on June 17th and ends September 8th. This is roughly at the same time as my Sci-Fi Summer reading challenge, so I’ll be reading pretty much nothing but Science Fiction.
  2. Books can be in any format: Ebook, Physical, Audio, Library, Borrowed, etc.
  3. You must pick 30 books for the Summer Reading List (you do NOT have to read all 30 books).  Once COYER starts the list can’t be changed. For every 5 books read, 5 more can be added to the list.
  4. There will be 3 readathons.  During a readathon, only books from the list can be read.

Readathon Dates:

  • June 25th – July 2nd: Only ebooks
  • July 23rd – July 30th: Only physical books
  • August 20th – August 27th: Only audio and ebooks

My Summer Reading List

  1. Doctor Who: The Taking of Chelsea 426 by David Llewellyn
  2. Doctor Who: The Eyeless by Lance Parkin
  3. Doctor Who: Wooden Heart by Martin Day
  4. Doctor Who: Sick Building by Paul Magrs
  5. Mad Tinker’s Daughter by J.S. Morin #3
  6. Doctor Who: Lights Out by Holly Black #4
  7. Curiosity Quills: Chronology by J.R. Rain
  8. Doomsday Book by Connie Willis
  9. Steampunk: Extraordinary Tales of Victorian Futurism by Mike Ashley
  10. Boneshaker by Cherie Priest
  11. Doctor Who: The King’s Dragon by Una McCormack #5- Adding Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler #6
  12. Doctor Who: The Deviant Strain by Justin Richards
  13. Doctor Who: Only Human by Gareth Roberts
  14. To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis
  15. Maybe the Moon by Armistead Maupin
  16. True Calling by Siobhan Davis
  17. The Gemini Effect by Chuck Grossart
  18. The Undays of Aralias Lyons by K.L. Horvath
  19. The Time Traders by Andre Norton
  20. Allegiant by Veronica Roth
  21. The Einstein Prophecy by Robert Masello
  22. Doctor Who: Engines of War by George Mann
  23. Sword & Laser Anthology ed. by Veronica Belmont
  24. Out of Time by Monique Martin
  25. Doctor Who: Dead of Winter by James Goss
  26. Planet Urth by Jennifer Martucci
  27. Black Widow: Red Vengeance by Margaret Stohl
  28. The Circle by Dave Eggers #2
  29. The Man in the High Castle by  Philip K. Dick #1
  30. Ghost Ship by Diane Carey #7

#COYER Black Out: Winter Storm

This COYER, from December 17th to March 3rd, is much more strict than it has been in the past.  Participants can only read ebooks we already own and got for less than $1 or audiobooks we got for less than $5.
However, there is the “generator” option, but I won’t be taking advantage of that.  If you would like to know more about using your generator, click on the COYER picture to get the full details over at the official COYER website.
Since the rules are tight this time, I’m not going to read any ebooks until December 17th, and I’m going to concentrate on finishing the books I’m currently in the middle of reading.  Once COYER starts, I’ll concentrate on reading as many of my ARCs as possible.  With any luck, I’ll get completely caught up on them.  Since library books don’t count, I’ll also be focusing on the few audiobooks I own that I got for free.
Usually, my goal for COYER is 10 books, but this time I’m going to try for 12.  Bout of Books is coming up during the first week of January and I’m taking vacation during that week as well, so I’m fairly certain I can manage 12 books by March.
Are you participating in COYER?

#COYER Summer Vacation!

COYER Summer

The COYER Summer Vacation reading challenge is from June 18th to September 2nd, and I’ll be participating!  The lovely hosts of COYER have decided to throw out the rules and allow ANY book, regardless of price or format.  I’m super excited about this because during most of the challenge, I’ll be hosting my Sci-Fi Summer reading challenge, and a large chunk of the Science Fiction titles I own are physical editions, which is what I want to concentrate on clearing from my TBR mountain since I’m also participating in the Shelf Love reading challenge.  That’s THREE awesome challenges!

Since the rules for COYER have been tossed like hot potatoes for the Summer, I’m not setting any goals.  I’m just going to read as much as I can, mostly Sci-Fi, but also a few of my ARCs that have publication dates between June and September.  This is going to be a wonderful Summer! 🙂

Are you participating in the COYER Summer Vacation reading challenge?

#COYER Going Back to Basics Challenge


From December 19th to March 4th, I’ll be participating in the Clean out your E-reads (COYER) Challenge hosted by Fantasy is More FunBecause Reading & Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh, My!

The Rules

  • Read your e-reads. Every book read for the challenge must be in an electronic format – meaning ebook or audiobook.
  • The books must be FREE or NEARLY FREE. What’s nearly free? No more than $5 for ebooks and no more than $16 for audiobooks.
  • Review & link reviews.

My Goals

  • Read at least ten ebooks/audiobooks.
  • Clear out my Netgalley ebooks.
  • Participate in at least one Twitter party.


This list will probably change by Dec. 19th since I’m hoping to have several of the books already finished and reviewed by then.

COYER Scavenger Hunt


It’s time for COYER again, hosted by Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun and Michelle @ Because Reading. It runs from June 20th – September 4th, 2015 and you can sign up here (or click on the pic)!

My Goals

I have no idea what I’ll be reading, but I’m going to try to finish off as many of my Review books as I can. I also have a ton of FREE ebooks that I’m going to try to get to.

  • Read & review at least 10 books.
  • Participate in at least one Twitter party.
  • Join in at least 1 social media activity a week in the Facebook group.

I’ll be putting my updates in my weekly Monday’s Minutes posts.

So, what do you say? Will you join me?


Dusting Off the Shelves Read-a-Thon

Dust off Shelves

I’ll be participating in the Dusting off the Shelves Read-a-Thon!


  1. All books must meet the COYER Price Guidelines (so Free/Nearly Free, eBook or Audiobook)
  2. Find the oldest UNREAD ebook or Audiobook you own and clean it off your shelf.  After you read it or decide to DNF it, move to the next oldest book and so on and so on.
  3. Sign-up by 11:59 PM January 11th.
  4. Post on your blog, twitter, FB, Google+, Booklikes (you get the idea… somewhere!) that you’re participating. That’s the link you’ll need for the Rafflecopter.
  5. Have Fun!

I’ll be reading Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, which I downloaded for free on my Nook FIVE YEARS AGO, because I hadn’t read it since I was a kid!  I never got around to reading the ebook.  In fact, I never even “opened” it.  It’s been sitting on my Nook all these years, waiting for me to remember it’s there.  <<< This is why I’m doing the COYER challenge.  Luckily, Little Women will also count towards the Classics Club Challenge, as well as the next oldest ebook I have, Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe.

COYER New Year’s Read-A-Thon


I’m participating in the COYER New Year’s Read-a-thon! Anyone can participate, whether you’re a COYER participant or not. The Read-a-thon will run from 12 AM Thursday, January 1 2015 – 11:59 PM Sunday January 4 2015.

New Year’s Read-a-thon Rules

  1. All books must meet the COYER Price Guidelines (so Free/Nearly Free eBook or Audiobook)
  2. It’s a new year, so read an author, narrator, or series that’s new to you.
  3. Sign-up on the linky before 11:59 PM December 31st.
  4. Before 11:59 PM December 31st, post on your blog, twitter, FB, Google+, Booklikes (you get the idea… somewhere!) that you’re participating. That’s the link you’ll need for the Rafflecopter.
  5. Have Fun!

It’s not required, but my “goal” is to read Tommy Black and the Staff of Light by Jake Kerr and I’ll include a wrap-up in my “What I’m Reading Monday” post on Jan. 5th.  The great thing about this read-a-thon is that it ends the day before Bout of Books 12, which ends before the COYER Dusting off the Shelf Read-a-thon.  TWO WEEKS OF READ-A-THONS before I head back to school for the Spring semester! 🙂