#COYER Summer Vacation!

COYER Summer

The COYER Summer Vacation reading challenge is from June 18th to September 2nd, and I’ll be participating!  The lovely hosts of COYER have decided to throw out the rules and allow ANY book, regardless of price or format.  I’m super excited about this because during most of the challenge, I’ll be hosting my Sci-Fi Summer reading challenge, and a large chunk of the Science Fiction titles I own are physical editions, which is what I want to concentrate on clearing from my TBR mountain since I’m also participating in the Shelf Love reading challenge.  That’s THREE awesome challenges!

Since the rules for COYER have been tossed like hot potatoes for the Summer, I’m not setting any goals.  I’m just going to read as much as I can, mostly Sci-Fi, but also a few of my ARCs that have publication dates between June and September.  This is going to be a wonderful Summer! 🙂

Are you participating in the COYER Summer Vacation reading challenge?

4 thoughts on “#COYER Summer Vacation!

  1. Glad your joining us, I wish I liked Sci-fi more so I could join your challenge. I think I might only have a couple of sci-fi books to read…lol. Good luck with all your challenges!!! 🙂

  2. I’m really looking forward to using this challenge to make a dent on my shelves as well! Well, my e-book “shelves” I guess 🙂 Have fun and good luck!

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