#TakeControlThon – Let the Reading Begin!

Take Control TBR Pile Read-a-thon

Kimberly over at Caffeinated Book Reviewer is hosting the #TakeControlThon as part of the March Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge.  Anyone can participate, though, so you should join in!  The only real rule is to read books from your TBR that were published before March 1st of this year.

Do I have a TBR list for this readathon?  No.  However, I do know that I’ll be reading The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield.  I started it while I was on my lunch break at work and I couldn’t wait to get home to continue reading.  If that feeling continues, and I think it will, I have no idea if I’ll be reading anything else.

I will try to stay up as long as possible during the readathon since I would like to read more than one book, but I know I won’t be doing the entire 24 hours.  However, I will be posting an update or two.  Right now, the only thing I truly have planned is what snacks I’m eating.  I got a veggie tray and some pretzels and hummus.  Everything else, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner, will be spur of the moment, flying by the seat of my pants, winging it.  Why?  Because I have a pile of scribbled on post-it notes detailing all the things I have or want to do in the near future, and I spent most of the week suffering from severe headaches or out doing other important things that kept me from organizing it all into easily manageable chunks and updating my day planner.  So I don’t have a clue what I’m doing right now.  Also, I spent Friday night watching New Girl.  Don’t judge.

Are you participating in the #TakeControlThon?

One thought on “#TakeControlThon – Let the Reading Begin!

  1. I hope you got a load of reading in! It sounds like you deserved some TV and bookish downtime this weekend. 😉

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