The Classics Club: The Fellowship of the Ring


  • Author: J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Pages: 407
  • Genre: Fantasy

I have the audiobook version of The Lord of the Rings, but since I haven’t read it since I was 12, I decided to borrow the Boyfriend’s copy instead of listening to the audio for #FanspeakTheRing.
Did you know that The Lord of the Rings is not actually a trilogy?  Though it’s usually broken down into three books (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King), it’s actually six books broken down into three parts/volumes.  Did you also know that, as a whole, they’re on the banned and challenged books list?  According to the ALA, it was burned in Alamogordo, New Mexico for being “satanic.”  My guess is that the people behind such a horrible act have never actually read The Lord of the Rings or know anything about its author.
Since I’m following the schedule for #FanspeakTheRing, I’ve only just started the second part.  So, I don’t yet have an opinion about it or the third part.  However, so far, it’s much better than I remember it being.  The Hobbit has always been my favorite book by Tolkien, and even though I love the movies based on The Lord of the Rings, I remember feeling as if the books dragged on a bit and were easily confusing when I read them all those years ago.  I never felt that way during this re-read, and if the rest is as wonderful, I’m fairly certain it will be joining the ranks of The Hobbit on my all-time favorites list.

#24in48 Readathon Update #1

It’s hour 12 of the 24 in 48 readathon and here’s my first update!
Update #1
For breakfast, I had two boiled eggs, whole wheat toast with Irish butter, a vegetarian “sausage” patty, a yogurt, and a large cup of Earl Grey.  I haven’t decided on lunch yet, but I know it will involve a tall glass of green iced tea.  My goal for today is at least 12 hours of reading, and compared to the last 24 in 48 readathon, I did a little better, timewise.
Current Read: The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
Pages Read: 39
Time Read: 1 hour and 45 minutes
My next update will be at Midnight central time, and I will have much more to share!  See you then 🙂

#FanspeakTheRing 2016 Read-Along

Hobbit Adventure

Fanspeak Files is hosting a year long read-along of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy, starting tomorrow!  I don’t even know how many times I’ve read The Hobbit, but I’ve only read The Lord of the Rings once in my life, and that was when I was twelve or thirteen.

Hobbit Lord of the Rings

The timing couldn’t be better, either.  Why?  I own all the audiobooks but have yet to listen to any of them.  Also, since I started working full-time, I get more time to listen to audiobooks on my drive to and from work every day than I get to read most nights after work and on the weekends.  That is especially true now that the Boyfriend and I are packing up the apartment to move the first week of April.  I can listen to my all-time favorite book while I pack!

Here’s the schedule:

  • March 20th to June 19th – The Hobbit
  • June 20th to September 21st – The Fellowship of the Ring
  • September 22nd to December 20th – The Two Towers
  • December 21st to March 19th, 2017 – The Return of the King

Will you be joining #FanspeakTheRing?