- This check-in is for November 23rd – 29th.
- I only had one class to go to last week, so my intention was to go to the gym every day of the week to make up for all the steps I would be missing from not walking to and from campus. Clearly, that didn’t happen. I was worn out. This last semester of college has been more exhausting than any other, and all I wanted to do was curl up with a book. So, that’s what I did.
- Yesterday, I finally got around to trying out a free fitness game app called “Zombies, Run!” So far, I love it 🙂 I won’t know for sure if it’s helping me get closer to my goals, but even if it doesn’t, my walks are at least more fun and interesting.
- If you’d like to add me as a friend on FitBit, you can find me HERE.
- Yoga Workouts: 0/5
- Steps: 27,947/63,000
- Miles: 11.48/21
- Flights of stairs: 45/70
- Active Minutes: 110/210
- Total Money Donated: $38.15/$50.00