#FitReaders #39

Geeky Bloggers Book Blog
  • This check-in is for September 21st – 27th.  Once again, I’m struggling to find the time between studying and paper writing to get my steps in.  After this week, I will likely be stepping back on the amount of blogging I’ve been attempting to keep up with because I’m beginning to feel over-tasked, and I’m not sleeping well.  Once I’m able to get back to a balance of school work, job searching, and personal/rest time, I’ll figure out a way of working in exercise.
  • Somehow, I still managed to get more steps than I did during the previous week.
  • If you’d like to add me as a friend on FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • Yoga Workouts: 0/5
  • Steps: 39,791/63,000
  • Miles: 16.34/21
  • Flights of stairs: 73/70
  • Active Minutes: 203/210
  • Total Money Donated: $24.91