Next weekend I’ll be out of town, so I decided to harvest the head of lettuce in my garden this weekend. I just know that if I waited, it would bolt and get bitter. It’s a good thing I did, too, because we’ve gotten so much rain lately that the leaves at the very bottom had started to rot. Even after removing the bad stuff, though, I’ve still got more lettuce than the Boyfriend and I will probably be able to eat before it goes bad. We’re having lots of salads this week!
Since I won’t be home, there won’t be a check-in next week until I get back.
I finished my first book for the #SciFiSummer reading challenge, making me a Red Shirt. While I’m still on track to meet my reading goals for the year, I’ll no longer be ahead if I can’t finish or get rid of any more of my physical books before the end of the month. Since I’m going on a trip next weekend, my focus will be to finish The Invasion of the Tearling this week. It’s not nearly as good as The Queen of the Tearling and I don’t want it taking up space in my bag, especially when I’ve already picked out 5 books I want to take with me.
What are you reading? Let me know in the comments!
Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
Read the synopses of the books
Decide: keep it or should it go?
My shelf is down two books to 1129. I read a couple of books, DNF’d another book, removed a couple of books from my wish list after realizing I didn’t want to read them, and added another book to my wish list.
This week’s books:
The Perfection Detox by Petra Kolber – KEEP. I completed one of Kolber’s workshops during the pandemic, and that inspired me to buy the book, but it’s sat on my shelves ever since. I don’t know why, but I tend to do that with Self-Help books. I’ll get around to reading this one at some point, though I have no idea when.
Exploring J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit by Corey Olsen – KEEP. I love all things having to do with Hobbits.
Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist- KEEP. This one is a Swedish vampire story, and it sounds like it will be very interesting and perfect for the Readers Imbibing Peril challenge.
Among the Shadows by L.M. Montgomery – KEEP. I remember reading and loving this when I was a kid. When I found it online through a used bookstore, I immediately bought it.
NOS4A2 by Joe Hill – KEEP. I enjoyed Heart-Shaped Box, and I have several other books of Hill’s that I’ve bought because they sound like they’re right up my Horror alley. This is one of them, and the only reason I haven’t read it yet is because I can’t decide if I should read it during #RIP or during the Christmas season.
My want-to-read shelf is holding steady at 1129 books. The next post will be mostly books I already own that are #RIP worthy.
The Boyfriend and I went to the Celtic Festival yesterday. We had a blast, saw my favorite Scottish pipe and drum band, Albannach, and I got lots of steps and active minutes in. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring sunscreen or a hat with me and got a horrible sunburn on my face and arms. I will definitely be more prepared for the Renaissance Festival in September.
“Building the Book Fort” is a weekly post where I track my bookish life.
Currently Reading:
Nothing Much Happens by Kathryn Nicolai
Dracula by Bram Stoker
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Train
Excuse Me While I Disappear by Laurie Notaro
The Last Bookshop in London by Madeline Martin
The Invasion of the Tearling by Erika Johansen
The Power of Self-Compassion by Laurie Cameron
Turn Coat by Jim Butcher
Sourcery by Terry Pratchett
Total pages read this week: 997
TBR Mountain: -14
Total books read: 43 of 80
Even though I finished two physical books from my TBR and decided to get rid of another one, I bought two books at the bookstore yesterday. I’ve had a gift card that my cousin got me for Christmas sitting in my wallet that I kept forgetting to use, and I found two more of the “Firefly” series on my wish list. I could not pass them up!
What are you reading? Let me know in the comments!
Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
Read the synopses of the books
Decide: keep it or should it go?
My shelf is down one book to 1131. Even though I finished 3 books, I bought an ebook and an audiobook.
This week’s books:
Blackout and All Clear by Connie Willis – KEEP. These books are a part of the “Oxford Time Travel” series. I read and loved the first 2 books, Doomsday Book and To Say Nothing of the Dog.
The Glorius Cause by Robert Middlekauff – KEEP. I got this book around the same time the Boyfriend and I were watching “Turn” (based on the book Washington’s Spies by Alexander Rose). While I studied the American Revolution at various points in school, this book is much more comprehensive than what was covered in class.
Remarkable Creatures by Tracy Chevalier – KEEP. I love Dinosaurs and everything involving or about Dinosaurs, so there is no way I would pass on a book about Mary Anning, the fossil hunter who discovered the Ichthyosaur.
The Bar Harbor Retirement Home for Famous Writers by Terri-Lynne DeFino – KEEP. After reading the synopsis, I’m skeptical about whether or not I will like this book, but I’m willing to give it the 50-page test, mostly because I already own the book. I would probably ditch it if it were still on my wishlist.
Circe by Madeline Miller – KEEP. Though from an entirely different mythology, I think this story will be similar to The Witch’s Heart by Genevieve Gornichec, which I greatly enjoyed reading.
My want-to-read shelf is holding steady at 1131 books. The next post will be mostly physical books I already own and I *might* be getting rid of at least one of them.
I worked extra hours this week trying to accrue enough time to have a four-day weekend over the Juneteenth holiday, and maybe I overdid it? I hurt my back somehow and was stuck on the couch most of yesterday. I’m still hurting a bit, so the Boyfriend will probably have to help me with my garden today.
“Building the Book Fort” is a weekly post where I track my bookish life.
Currently Reading:
Nothing Much Happens by Kathryn Nicolai
Dracula by Bram Stoker
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Train
The Power of Self-Compassion by Laurie Cameron
All Things Aside by Iliza Shlesinger
Cat Magic by Lydia Sherrer
How to Speak Dragonese by Cressida Cowell
Total pages read this week: 478
TBR Mountain: -14
Total books read: 41 of 80
I’m at the halfway point for both of my goals! I also hurt my back somehow, and as unfortunate as that may be, it means I’ll be reading a lot this weekend.
What are you reading? Let me know in the comments!
Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
Read the synopses of the books
Decide: keep it or should it go?
My shelf is up one book to 1133. Even though I finished 3 books, I bought some ebooks and an audiobook.
This week’s books:
Deerskin by Robin McKinley – GO. I’ve heard that this is an extremely dark story, and I’m not sure I want to read it after reading the synopsis.
Dragonhaven by Robin McKinley – KEEP. The synopsis sounds like this book will be amazing, and now I’m very much looking forward to reading it!
The Library at Night by Alberto Manguel – KEEP. This sounds like it’s in my wheelhouse, but the other two books of Manguel’s that I’ve read were only 3 stars, and I was being generous. Maybe this one will be better.
Dead Man’s Deal by Jocelynn Drake – KEEP. This is the sequel to Angel’s Ink, which I really enjoyed.
Washington’s Spies by Alexander Rose – KEEP. The Boyfriend and I loved “Turn”, the show based on this book, and I’m planning to read this over the July 4th weekend.
My want-to-read shelf is down one book to 1132. The next post will be all physical books I already own and I highly doubt I’ll be getting rid of any of them.
It’s been so hot where I live lately that I’ve been having trouble sleeping. I’m struggling to find the energy to do things that I want to do and my moods have been up and down as well. Luckily, it rained last night which seems to have cooled things down a little bit.