Monday’s Minutes #8

Currently Reading: The Burning Land by Victoria Strauss, a review book, The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott for The Classics Club, The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon, and The Essential Feminist Reader.

Burning  Sparrow Little Women Fiery Feminist

Finished: Those Rosy Hours at Mazandaran by Marion Grace Woolley, which I’ll be reviewing on Wednesday.


Winter 2014-2015 COYER Progress:  I’ve read 9 books towards my goal of 10, and participated in 2 read-a-thons towards my goal of 3.  I’ve been keeping up with the Facebook group, and I did a mini-challenge.

Show Your Shelves Some Love Progress: 7 

Outdo Yourself Progress: 8

Netgalley/Edelweiss Progress: 6

SF/F Bingo: Since I’ve already finished this challenge, I’m working on filling in the whole card.


Total pages read for the week: 376

Total number of books for the year: 10.  I’m still a little bit behind schedule.  I had 3 papers to write this week, and I’m busy writing 2 more that are due by Friday, so I’m not likely to finish my one remaining review book for the month before the 28th.  I’m hoping I’ll finish it by March 6th, though, since it’s the last book I need to meet my goal for COYER.

Top Commenters: This week, my Top Commenter was Shaina from Shaina Reads.

What are you reading this week?