Monday’s Minutes #48

“Monday’s Minutes” is a weekly post in which I track my bookish life.  All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.

  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling – for the HP re-read.
  • Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams

Half Blood Dirk


  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling
  • Fool Moon by Jim Butcher

Order of the Phoenix Fool


S&S Bingo2update15

Total pages read: 1,169

Total # of books for the year: 85.

What are you reading this week?

2 thoughts on “Monday’s Minutes #48

    1. Only having 1 class last week is how I was able to read so much. This week is going to be horrible reading wise because I’m starting Finals and prepping for Graduation.

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