Monday’s Minutes #4

Currently Reading: The Very Best of Kate Elliott, a review book, The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell, which I’m reading for the Sword and Laser bookclub, and Little Women by Louisa May Alcott for The Classics Club.

 Kate Elliott Sparrow Little Women

FinishedThe Eterna Files by Leanna Renee Hieber, which I’ll be reviewing on Feb. 3rd.


Winter 2014-2015 COYER Progress:  I’ve read 7 books towards my goal of 10, and participated in 2 read-a-thons towards my goal of 3.  I participated in the Twitter chat on Saturday, but I still need to do a mini-challenge.

Show Your Shelves Some Love, and Outdo Yourself Progress: 5

Netgalley/Edelweiss Progress: 4

SF/F Bingo: I may end up moving these around a bit, but so far I only need to read a book published this year.  The Very Best of Kate Elliott will qualify for that. I’ve read a book containing dragons (The Sunken by S.C. Green), a book by a female author (The Eterna Files), a book published prior to 2000 (Walking the Labyrinth by Lisa Goldstein) and an Urban Fantasy (The Kingdom Lights by Steven V.S.).  My “Free” book is Tommy Black and the Staff of Light by Jake Kerr).

S&S BingoUpdate3

Total pages read for the week: 327

Total number of books for the year: 7.  I’m still ahead of schedule, but I don’t know how long that will last.  2 of my 4 classes this semester are requiring me to write 20 page research papers on top of all the normal coursework that comes along with the typical college class.  Due to this, I’ve already made the decision to cut Friday’s Fairy Tales down to every other week, which is why there wasn’t a post on Friday.  I may end up doing the same with Wednesday’s Words.  I know this will likely hurt the blog, but earning my degree has to come first.  The amount of reading I get done every week will suffer too, since most days I’m only reading for about 30 minutes before I go to bed.

Top Commenters: This week, my Top Commenter was Shaina from Shaina Reads.

What are you reading this week?