#FitReaders Check-In #4

Geeky Bloggers Book Blog
  • This check-in is for Jan. 19th – 25th.  My goal for this week was an average of 4K steps per day, and since I hit that goal, I’ll be working towards 5K steps per day from Jan. 26th – Feb. 1st.  I’ll add 1K steps each week until I’m completing 12K steps per day.  After that, I’ll add in resistance training and/or jogging.  The Boyfriend and I have been going to Hot Yoga classes since last Monday, and WOW! They are the most difficult yoga classes I’ve ever been through.  If you’d like to add me as a friend on FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • I participated in another Work Week Hustle Fitbit challenge last week, but I placed last.  The other participants really knocked out those steps!  I hope to do better on the next challenge.  Despite not doing so well in the challenge, I did increase my total mileage, and I more than doubled the number of floors I climbed.  I know that’s mostly due to being back on campus, which is nothing but hills and stairs.  Let’s just put it this way, I carry a towel with me in my bag, regardless of the weather, so I can mop up all the sweat when I get to class.  I’m not looking forward to when it starts getting hot again.
  • Total Steps: 30,650
  • Total Distance: 12.61 miles
  • Total Floors Climbed: 43