Monday’s Minutes #26

Currently Reading:

  • The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy: A Handbook for Girl Geeks by Sam Maggs – a review book.
  • The Origins of the Modern World by Robert B. Marks
  • The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch, for the read-along.
  • Harry Potter and Philosophy
  • The River Between by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o

Fangirl Lies Origins Harry River

Finished: The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater, which I reviewed on Thursday.



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Total pages read for the week: 355

Total # of books for the year: 36.  My amount of reading has been slightly less than usual because I’ve been spending my time when I’m not working on school stuff, organizing my book life.  I completed tasks off my mental to-do list from creating a master TBR list to going through the ridiculous number of book blogs I follow to weed out the ones I’m no longer interested in for various reasons.  Many of my tasks are still works in progress, but I’m hoping to get everything done before I lose steam or life becomes too crazy to do anything that isn’t necessary.

Top Commenters: This week my Top Commenter was Shaina @ Shaina Reads.

What are you reading this week?