#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for September 16th – 22nd.
  • I’m still only able to walk during my morning break at work.  Now that it’s officially Fall, I’m hoping Texas will get the hint and cool down enough for me to go out during my lunch and afternoon break as well.
  • My second meeting with my “coach” was about continuing with a daily calorie goal and tracking all of my food, but now I have to track my exercise as well.  I’ve already been doing that, so I’m working on finding little ways to get more steps.
  • Though I won’t be tracking my weight in these check-ins, I have to mention that I lost two more pounds when I weighed in this week.  It’s nice seeing that I’m making some kind of progress.
  • My work schedule did not change, and I’m more than unhappy about that.  I and my coworkers were promised several different, more flexible schedules to choose from and then we were unceremoniously told the Friday before the switch that, no, it wasn’t happening.  I’m so ticked off that I’m actively looking for a new job.
  • If you’d like to add me as a friend on FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • Steps: 33,174/49,000
  • Miles: 13.62/17.5
  • Active Minutes: 143/175
  • Days I Tracked My Food: 7/7
  • Monthly 5K Races Completed: 3/10
  • Monthly 1 Mile Fun “Runs” Completed: 2/10
  • Total Money Donated: $22.36/$25.00