Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon – Final Update

Dewey's Readathon_Pocketwatch_Bellezza

I’ve survived another Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon… sort of! I made it to just after 1 AM and then decided that I was done. Just done.

  • Total Pages Read: 542

Closing Survey

  1. How would you assess your reading overall? I did ok, but not great.
  2. Did you have a strategy, and if so, did you stick to it? My strategy was to read the shortest books on my readathon maybe’s list and listen to an audiobook when I needed to give my eyes a break.
  3. What was your favorite snack? Tortilla chips and Fall Harvest salsa.
  4. Wanna volunteer for our next event? Perhaps….

I’m already in bed as this post goes live. I think I should have stuck to the Middle-Grade Fiction strategy I had during the #Readathon in April. Though The Witch of Ravensworth by George Brewer was only around a hundred pages, it felt long and had an extremely disappointing ending. By the time I finished it and started Nightbooks by J.A. White, I was toast. I read just enough of it to count for the Bingo, but I’m sure I’ll love it when I have fresh eyes and a rested brain.