Thursday's Things: Women's History Month

1001 Things
Original Image: Viktor Hertz

“Thursday’s Things” is a collection of interesting stuff I’ve found during my meanderings on the net.  Sometimes it’s monthly, other times it’s whenever I happen to find at least 10 topically related links I think are worth reading, but it’s always on a Thursday.

March is Women’s History Month, and yesterday was International Women’s Day.  That makes today the perfect Thursday to give you tons of stuff about Women, Women’s History, Feminism, etc.  Most of these links are reading suggestions, but when do we not need more books to add to our TBR piles?

Thursday's Things: The October Country Edition

Image: blablover5

I named this month’s Thursday’s Things after Ray Bradbury’s short story collection “The October Country” because it sums up all the weird and spooky bookish links I discovered during my wanderings around the internet.

Thursday's Things: Sci-Fi Edition

Image: NASA

This is the first official week of my Sci-Fi Summer Reading Challenge, so I thought it would be the perfect time to share these Science Fiction related links:

Thursday’s Things: Sci-Fi Edition

Image: NASA

This is the first official week of my Sci-Fi Summer Reading Challenge, so I thought it would be the perfect time to share these Science Fiction related links:

Thursday's Things: National Readathon Day!!!

1001 Things
Original Image: Viktor Hertz

“Thursday’s Things” is my monthly roundup of book related links I’ve come across while wandering down the rabbit hole that is the internet.

Thursday’s Things: National Readathon Day!!!

1001 Things
Original Image: Viktor Hertz

“Thursday’s Things” is my monthly roundup of book related links I’ve come across while wandering down the rabbit hole that is the internet.

Thursday’s Things

1001 Things
Original Image: Viktor Hertz

“Thursday’s Things” is my monthly* roundup of book related links I’ve come across while wandering down the rabbit hole that is the internet.

*I may start writing a “Thursday’s Things” post every other week in the near future, with the ultimate goal of posting a new one every week.

Thursday's Things

1001 Things
Original Image: Viktor Hertz

“Thursday’s Things” is my monthly* roundup of book related links I’ve come across while wandering down the rabbit hole that is the internet.

*I may start writing a “Thursday’s Things” post every other week in the near future, with the ultimate goal of posting a new one every week.

Thursday’s Things: A Saint, a Leprechaun, and an Irishman Walk into a Bar…

Frederic Poirot
Image: Frederic Poirot

…and they all did some much-needed spring cleaning 😉  Before that, though, they checked out this Irish and Spring-related list of links:

Thursday’s Things

1001 Things
Original Image: Viktor Hertz

Normally, I only do one “Thursday’s Things” a month, but there are a lot of great things happening right now that I wanted to make sure all of my readers know about before the end of the month.