Thursday’s Things: Sci-Fi Edition

Image: NASA

This is the first official week of my Sci-Fi Summer Reading Challenge, so I thought it would be the perfect time to share these Science Fiction related links:

3 thoughts on “Thursday’s Things: Sci-Fi Edition

  1. I already had 2 or 3 books in mind for the challenge, but will definitely be looking at these lists for further ideas on what to read. And also just to find more awesome books. I’m particularly interested in the essential cyberpunk and female authors lists.

    1. I have more than enough Sci-Fi to reach the Time Lord level if I’m able to read all of them, but I would still have bought many of the books on those lists if I wasn’t participating in #ShelfLove. So, I totally understand 🙂

  2. Ooh, what a collection of goodies you’ve put together here, especially the book lists! One of my BOTNS Bingo squares is a steampunk book, and I bet one of these lists is going to help me find just the one for me. 😉

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