Bout of Books 12: Update 4

Bout of Books

For all Bout of Books 12 information and updates, visit the Bout of Books blog.

*Due to Bout of Books, I’ve decided not to do Friday’s Fairy Tales this week, and I’ll also wait until next week to write up my reviews.  However, I’ve got an author interview scheduled for tomorrow, so be on the look out for that!

My Goals

  • finish off the books I’m currently reading. – I’ve finished the books I was reading before Bout of Books 12 started.
  • Read at least one new book off of my TBR shelf.  Onyx Webb was one of the books on my TBR.
  • Finish at least 3 1 book. – I only have one book left to read to reach my goal of 3 books.

Books Read

Pages Read

34.  I’m not going to finish Feast of Fates by Christian A. Brown.  I read another chapter, and found myself feeling so angry and betrayed that I just couldn’t continue.  I’ll post a DNF review sometime next week.  I love The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell, so far, but there were a couple paragraphs towards the end of chapter 12 that put me in such a philosophically thoughtful mood that I couldn’t continue reading until I had gone off to do some productive things that still allowed my mind to do its ramblings.  I treasure books that do that to me, but I can’t have that during a read-a-thon 😉  So, I decided to start The Kingdom Lights by Steven V.S., but I didn’t get very far before The Boyfriend was home and we had Date Night (We finally went to see Battle of the Five Armies.)

Mini-Challenges Completed

I didn’t participate in the mini-challenge yesterday.