Monday's Minutes

“Monday’s Minutes” is a weekly post in which I track my bookish life.  All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.
Currently Reading:

  • Gates of Thread and Stone by Lori M. Lee
  • The Practice of the Wild by Gary Snyder
  • Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport


  • The Stranger in the Woods by Michael Finkel

Total pages read this week: 169
Total books for the year: 24 of 50. This was a slow reading week.  I was focused on work and doing some much needed Spring cleaning at home. On top of that, I was dealing with a bit of insomnia (which is the only reason I managed to finish Stranger in the Woods) and feeling depressed.
What are you reading this week?

Down the TBR Hole #62

Image: hjl

Down the TBR Hole was started by Lia over at Lost in a Story.  All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.

How it works:

  • Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

I will be repeating this process until I’ve filtered out my entire TBR. Despite the 24-Hour #Readathon, my TBR pile is only down one  book at 682 books.  I finished so many books last weekend, but some of them weren’t on my TBR, and while spending time on Twitter checking out the readathon hashtag and cheering on other readers, I discovered more books to add!

This week’s books:

The Other of One by Brian Burke – KEEP.  The synopsis is interesting enough for me to give this book the 50 page test.

Sword and Laser Anthology ed. by Veronica Belmont and Tom Merritt – KEEP. I love the Sword and Laser book club, so I snatched this anthology up as soon as it was available.

Division of the Marked by March McCarron – GO.  I was considering keeping this book until it mentioned Romance.  No, thank you.

In a Glass Darkly by Sheridan Le Fanu – KEEP.  I’m hoping to finally get to this during the next 24-Hour Readathon in October, especially since the story “Carmilla” is included.

The Girl in Between by Laekan Zea Kemp – KEEP. I don’t know why, but I love the cover of this book.  I’m skeptical of whether or not it will be worth reading, though.  Like the first book on this week’s list, I’ll give it the 50 page test.

My TBR mountain is down one book to 681 books.  Taking a glance at the next 5 books on my list, there is only one that I know I will be keeping without a doubt, so hopefully I will be shedding a few more books next week.

#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for April 5th – 11th.
  • I participated in Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon on Saturday, and I didn’t do much for exercise most of the week. Instead, I struggled with getting enough sleep and trying to get through each day while feeling depressed and not wanting to do anything, much less exercise.
  • If you have a FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • Workouts: 2/5
  • Steps: 26,317
  • Miles: 10.84
  • Total Miles: 197.83
  • Active Minutes: 93

Monday's Minutes

“Monday’s Minutes” is a weekly post in which I track my bookish life.  All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.
Currently Reading:

  • The Stranger in the Woods by Michael Finkel
  • Gates of Thread and Stone by Lori M. Lee


  • Day After Night by Anita Diamant
  • To Visit the Queen by Diane Duane
  • The Powerpuff Girls Classics #5 by Jennifer Keating Moore
  • Adulthood is a Myth by Sarah Andersen
  • Book Love by Debbie Tung
  • Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot
  • Guide to Troubled Birds by Matt Adrian
  • Frisky Business by Shoebox Greetings (Not Pictured)

Total pages read this week: 1187
Total books for the year: 23 of 50. This weekend was Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon.  I may have to increase my goal for the year, but I’m going to hold off until at least October’s Readathon before I make that decision.
What are you reading this week?

Dewey's 24-Hour #Readathon – Final Update!

Dewey's Readathon_Pocketwatch_Bellezza
I’ve survived another Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon!

  • Total Pages Read: 920
  1. Which hour was most daunting for you? 11 pm (Hour 19), when I started coming down from my sugar and pizza high. I took what was supposed to only be a nap, but didn’t wake up until after 4 am (Hour 23).
  2. Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year? Scientific Progress Goes “Boink” by Bill Watterson.  I laughed and laughed and laughed!
  3. Do you have any suggestions on how to improve the Readathon next year?  Nope, I loved the more relaxed version this time around.
  4. What do you think worked well in this year’s Readathon? Only having posts every 3 hours instead of hourly.
  5. How many books did you read? 8, and part of Gates of Thread and Stone by Lori M. Lee.
  6. What were the names of the books you read? To Visit the Queen by Diane Duane, Adulthood is a Myth by Sarah Andersen, Frisky Business by Shoebox Greetings, Guide to Troubled Birds by The Mincing Mockingbird, Book Love by Debbie Tung, Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot, Powerpuff Girls Classics #5 by Jennifer Keating Moore, and Scientific Progress Goes “Boink” by Bill Watterson.
  7. Which book did you enjoy most? Scientific Progress Goes “Boink”
  8. Which did you enjoy least? Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats.
  9. How likely are you to participate in the Readathon again? I will definitely be participating again.


Dewey's 24-Hour #Readathon – Update 2

Dewey's Readathon_Pocketwatch_Bellezza
I’ve survived 16 hours of Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon, but I did nap for a couple of hours.  I blame Dresden.  If Calvin can blame Hobbes for most things, I can blame my cat.

  • Pages Read: 365
  • Books Read: Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot and Book Love by Debbie Tune
  • Time Read: 3 hours and 59 minutes
  • Yummy in my Tummy: Ocho chocolate coconut bars, Fig Newmans, and beek jerky.

Until my final update, at 5 am, I’ll be finishing Scientific Progress Goes “Boink” by Bill Watterson while eating pizza, and continue reading books from my Goodreads list.
Whether you’re participating in the readathon or not, what book(s) are you currently reading?

Dewey's 24-Hour #Readathon: Mid-Event Survey

Dewey's Readathon_Pocketwatch_Bellezza

I’m a bit late with this because I fell asleep on the couch but here are my answers to the Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon Mid-Event Survey!

1. What are you reading right now? Gate of Thread and Stones by Lori M. Lee and I just finished Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot.
2. How many books have you read so far? 5, because I’m sticking to mostly short and fast-paced books for this readathon.
3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Readathon?  I’m really looking forward to Book Love by Debbie Tung.
4. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those? Surprisingly, even the cat, Dresden, has been really chill this readathon.  Usually, I’m interrupted at least a handful of times to give him attention.
5. What surprises you most about the Readathon, so far?  How I wasn’t tired until after 3 pm and then suddenly I was asleep.

Dewey's 24-Hour #Readathon – Update 1

Dewey's Readathon_Pocketwatch_Bellezza
I’ve survived the first 8 hours of Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon and I haven’t fallen asleep on the couch even once!  I have my cat, Dresden, and the Boyfriend to thank for that. Dresden jumped into my lap to take HIS nap and the Boyfriend joined me to read for a bit.

  • Pages Read: 435
  • Books Read: To Visit the Queen by Diane Duane, Adulthood is a Myth by Sarah Andersen, Frisky Business by Shoebox Greetings, Guide to Troubled Birds by The Mincing Mockingbird
  • Time Read: 5 hours and 40 minutes
  • Yummy in my Tummy: I had 2 giant cups of tea and chocolate chip waffles with whipped cream for breakfast.  I also ate a yogurt and had some banana brittle for snacks. Then I ate some Cheddar Jalepeño Swirls for lunch.

Until my 2nd update, at 9 pm, I’ll continue reading the remaining books on my Goodreads list.
Whether you’re participating in the readathon or not, what book(s) are you currently reading?

Dewey's 24-Hour #Readathon – Read All the Books!

Dewey's Readathon_Pocketwatch_Bellezza
Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon has officially started!  I stumbled out of the bedroom a few minutes after 5 am thanks to me shutting off my alarm instead of hitting snooze.  I’m getting my giant mug of tea ready now and will start reading as this goes live. I’ll be posting my updates every 8 hours, assuming my pile of books keep my awake.


  • What fine part of the world are you reading from today? I’m in Emeryville, CA.
  • Which book in your stack are you looking forward to the most? Adulthood is a Myth by Sarah Andersen.
  • Which snack are you looking forward to the most? Waffles!
  • Tell us a little something about yourself!  Here are 20 somethings about myself.  Also, one of my favorite fruits is guava.
  • If you participated in the last readathon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? I’ll be reading a lot more graphic novels and short Middle-Grade Fiction this time around.

I usually put my TBR here, but the link to my pile is up above and currently stands at 30 books tall.
My first update will be at 1 pm.  I’ll be tracking how many pages I read and any books I finish.  I’ll also include snacks I’ve nommed, and any musical earworms that have gotten into my head.
Whether you’re participating in the readathon or not, what book(s) are you currently reading? 

#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for March 29th – April 4th.
  • It was a busy, busy weekend full of walking around San Francisco and Oakland.
  • While I was busy all week as well, it was more the crunch time of getting projects completed at work and meeting deadlines, which didn’t involve much walking other than back and forth from my desk to the copy room.
  • If you have a FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • Workouts: 3/5
  • Steps: 44,849
  • Miles: 18.45
  • Total Miles: 186.99
  • Active Minutes: 145