What I’m Reading Monday #12

Currently Reading:  The Paper Magician by Charlie N. Holmberg, a review book, Villette by Charlotte Brontë, which I’m reading for The Classics Club,  and The Hobbit and Philosophy, what I’m reading for fun.

Paper Villette1.52.qxd Hobbit Philosophy

Finished: The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova, which I’ll be reviewing sometime this week, and Ennara and the Fallen Druid by Angela Myron, which I reviewed yesterday.

Historian Ennara

Total pages read for the week: 513

Total number of books for the year: 55.  I’m still struggling to finish Villette.  My review books for this month are much more interesting, and November is already half-way over.  Besides The Paper Magician, I’ve got 2 more to finish, and I don’t want to push their reviews back, especially since I decided to participate in The Classics Club Spin #8 by hosting a read-along.

What are you reading this week?