Thursday's Things: #SciFiSummer

Image: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • 19 Science-Fiction And Fantasy Novels By Women Of Color – As the title suggests, not all of the books on this list are Sci-Fi.  Also, I’ve only read the first book, Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler, but it was an excellent book.  It terrified me and made me think, which is exactly what I want in my Speculative Fiction.
  • Making Lists: Mindblowing SF by Women and People of Color – Here’s another much longer list of diverse books and authors, but this one is all Sci-Fi.  If you’re looking for ideas of books to try out for the Sci-Fi Summer challenge, definitely check this out.
  • Postcards from Space – Looking for some Sci-Fi postcards to write to all of your friends about the great fictional totally real places you’ve visited this Summer?  Look no further.
  • 8 Struggles All Science Fiction Fans Know Are Real – I do have to say that the real-life e-readers we have are far better than what was portrayed in “Star Trek: The Next Generation.”