Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge

Take Control of Your TBR Pile

The Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge is entering its fourth year, but this is the first year I’ll be participating.

The Rules:

For the entire month of March, read books in your TBR pile released before March 1, 2016. They can be eBooks, physical books, or audiobooks.

My Goals:

  • I will read nothing but physical books I already own.  That means no borrowed books, whether from the library, a friend, or the Boyfriend’s bookshelves.
  • I’ll update my progress in my weekly “Monday’s Minutes” posts, and write a final wrap-up post at the end of the month.
  • I’ll also write a review for every book I read.
  • I will participate in the 24-hour TBR Readathon on March 12th.
  • I will try to participate in the Twitter party on March 16th.


As you all know by now, I have an entire floor to ceiling bookcase full of books I’ve never read.  Thanks to the Boyfriend and giveaway winnings, I haven’t cleared out any space yet this year.  While I also haven’t run out of space again, that needs to change because we’re moving in March, and I’d love to have at least one box of books headed to the used bookstore before then.  While I don’t have any specific books I plan to read during the challenge, I do plan on attacking the paperbacks I’m pretty sure I won’t want to keep after I finish them.

4 thoughts on “Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge

  1. You will conquer that TBR shelf. Meanwhile, I will build a fortress with mine (that will likely prove a fire hazard). 😉
    Good luck on your next challenge!
    ~Litha Nelle

  2. Girl, I am so envious of your resolve. I’ve been trying to read my own damned books this year, but that hasn’t stopped me from going to the library a handful of times and requesting three separate 2016 releases for review. Sigh. Oh well! At least I’m mixing in some of my own stuff, right? 😉

    I have no doubt you’ll rock this challenge!

    1. My resolve is entirely driven by a lack of time to go to the library and a lack of shelf space LOL. Oh, and moving next month doesn’t hurt either 🙂

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