Annoucement: Recent Changes!

Mar 1985

This has been in the works for a couple months, but I finally went and bought a new domain,  While my old domain ( is still active, and will still get you to the blog for awhile, please update your bookmarks.

I’m also in the process of changing the design of my blog, and updating my various social media accounts, but my logo (as seen above) is staying the same.  I will also be providing the same kind of content you’ve come to expect from me.  This is still primarily a Fantasy genre blog since my reading tastes have yet to change.

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Why am I making these changes?  There is a Romance author who has been mistakenly tagging me as the reviewer of some of her books.  That has led to a flood of other Romance authors sending me review requests without checking to see that I am not, in fact, a Romance reviewer, I’m not the blogger they all seem to be confusing me with, and they’re not even reading my review policy.  While I have no problem with her, her blog, or the Romance genre, in general, I’m tired of being associated with all of that, and I’m sick of the spam.  To me, it’s not about who owns the domain.  It’s about my blog’s image and my image as a book reviewer.

Resolutions and Announcements


“New Year’s Day… now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions.  Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.” – Mark Twain

It’s New Year’s Day, so instead of “Thursday’s Quotables”, I’ve decided to let all of you know what changes I’ll be making for 2015!

First up are my resolutions for the year:

  • In keeping with the challenges I’ve chosen to take up, I need to read at least 65 books by the 31st of December.  At least 50 of those books will be those that I already owned as of yesterday, and 50 of them will need to be from Netgalley or Edelweiss.  That means I will actually have to read 84 books, so that’s my “true” goal.
  •  I’m participating in #FitReaders.  My goals for that are to start off the 1st week of the year with at least 1K steps per day, and then increase my total steps per day by 1K each week until I’m walking at least 12K steps per day during the 12th week.  I’ll repeat the week if I don’t make the steps for that week before moving on to the next one.  After that, I’m going to add some weight-bearing exercises and start either a cycling or jogging program, but that’s all dependent on my knees.  The Boyfriend and I also have plans to do Hot Yoga, so I’m hoping to do that at least once a week.
  • I have a bookmarks folder full of blog tips and tricks that I will attempt to clear out by the end of the year.  This will probably mean some changes to the blog over time, but they may or may not be as noticeable as the changes I’ve listed below, since some of them have to do with my editorial calendar, writing schedule, and other behind the scenes stuff.

Now on to the changes I’ll be making to the blog:

  • What I’m Reading Monday will now be called Monday’s Minutes.
  • Tuesday’s Tunes and Things will be split up into Tuesday’s Tunes and Thursday’s Things.  They will remain monthly features.  On “off” weeks, I’ll be posting book reviews.
  • Thursday’s Quotables will be moving to Wednesdays and will be called Wednesday’s Words.
  • I’ll be adding a new feature called Friday’s Fairytales starting Jan. 9th.  I’ve yet to decide if it will be a weekly or monthly feature.
  • Saturdays will be for author interviews or other book related posts that don’t fit into one of the features; otherwise I’ll be taking the day off.
  • Unless I’ve got something time sensitive and/or I just don’t want to wait to share it, I’ll be taking Sundays off.

What resolutions have you made?  What are your thoughts on the changes I’ve mentioned, or is there anything you wish I would add or that you would like to see more often?  Let me know in the comments!