Library Survey
1. What’s the name of your library and how close is it to where you live?
Austin Public Library. The closest branch to where I live is about 3 miles away.
2. How frequently do you go to the library?
Today was my first visit since I moved to Austin.
3. What is the first section you normally go to when you get to the library?
Usually, in any library, I go straight for whichever section has the book(s) I looked up beforehand. That’s usually Fiction.
4. Share a link to your library’s web page. How often do you use it and what for?
Austin Public Library
So far, I’ve only used this website to look up the address of the nearest branch, but typically I use a library’s website to search for the books I want to read before I head out to the library.
5. Does your library have a summer reading program for your age group? Do you participate and why or why not?
Yes! I was a bit surprised to find out there is a Summer Reading Program for Adults. It started June 1st, and runs until the end of August, and for every five books I read, I can enter to win prizes. I will be participating.
6. What is one thing you can think of that would make your library better?
The hours they’re open. Every branch is closed two days a week, and at least two other days of the week it’s only open for a few hours.
7. What programs have you attended or thought of attending at your library?
I considered joining one of the many book clubs, but none of them grabbed my interest. The majority of the other programs are either for kids or writers.
8. What is the best thing about your library?
The “Virtual Library”, the library’s downloadable materials section. Since the hours are limited, I’ll probably be “checking out” more e-books than physical books from the local branch.
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