#ShelfLove – End of Year Check-In


This is it!  The last month of the #ShelfLove No Book Buying Challenge!  Those of us participating are discussing how we did.

For those of you who don’t remember, I chose not to purchase any books this year.  Free books, of course, didn’t count.  I made one exception, but other than using gift cards I received for Christmas and my Birthday, and getting books from the Boyfriend as a prescription against insanity, I didn’t buy a single book.  Not spending my own money on books took some creativity on my part and generosity on the part of others, but I can at least say I was successful.

I also succeeded in reading at least 51 books that were already on my shelves…or in boxes…in a storage unit.  Yeah, lots of books, itty bitty living space.  There, my friends, is where I flailed.  You see, despite not buying books with my own money, I still managed to bring a lot of books home with me this year.  In fact, I have less space on my bookshelves than I did before the challenge started, and that’s after taking several boxes of books to the used bookstore to earn enough money to buy the Outlandish Companion, Vol. Two.  I earned that book, darn it, so why isn’t there any space on my shelves?!  Well, between the Boyfriend showing he loves me through books, a couple of subscription boxes I get, and all the giveaways I’ve won this year, I not only replaced the books I sold but ended up filling every last nook and cranny of my bookcase.

2015-12-29 11.54.22

I have so many books and so little space for them that when the Boyfriend asked me what I wanted for my graduation present, I told him, “NO BOOKS!”  I then checked myself for a fever because that is the first time in my life I’ve ever turned down the opportunity to get books.  It turns out this challenge has been a sort of 12-Step program for me.  So, I plan on participating again next year, but that’s for another post.



3 thoughts on “#ShelfLove – End of Year Check-In

  1. Good for you on keeping up with your challenge! I on the other hand have zero self control, when it comes to buying books. However, I usually only buy books at Goodwill or Half Price Books, so I don’t feel that bad.

  2. #ShelfLove is a 12-step program? That’s sounds like an excellent post idea!

    I won quite a few books this year and requested a few ARCs. I also cleaned off my shelves and sponsored a giveaway on Black Friday for many of those books.

    Congrats on making progress and glad to hear you are joining us in 2016.

  3. Well, if you replaced the books you read, at least you replaced and didn’t just pile on to the problem right? 12 step program, love that!

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