Monday’s Minutes

“Monday’s Minutes” is a weekly post in which I track my bookish life.  All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.

Current Reads:

Brooklyn Hobbit Inkdeath

Lestat Fairyland


  • The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  • Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1: No Normal by G. Willow Wilson
  • Parnassus On Wheels by Christopher Morley

Little Marvel Parnassus


  • The Dragon Stone Trilogy by Kristian Alva


Total pages read: 505

Total # of books for the year: 19.  As much as I loved participating in Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon, it wasn’t quite as fun for me as previous ones, and that has nothing to do with the wonderful and amazing people who organize and run the event.  It was entirely my fault.  I was concentrating so much on trying to get back into a reading groove, thinking that’s why I’ve been feeling so meh lately, that I didn’t even consider that it was the social aspect of blogging and readathoning that I’ve been missing.  I miss sharing my experiences with and my undying love of books with all of you.  However, every time I manage to find a little bit of time to sit down and write a review, I suddenly find myself uninterested and coming up with all the million other things I need to do.  Is this a blogging slump?!  If it is, then wow, does it suck.

Last year, I took time off because I was finishing my last semester of college and freaking out.  Earlier this year, I took time off because I had finally found a full-time job and I was freaking out.  Last month and most of this month, I took time off because I was in the middle of moving and was… freaking out.  Are you sensing a pattern?  Even though I’m freaking out about this, I’m not going to take more time off.  At least, not as long as I have recently.  Also, though it will look the same to all of you wonderful readers of my blog, it will be different.  Instead of taking a break and not writing anything, I’m going to take the next week or so to get organized again, plan, and write drafts.  Instead of being inactive, I’m going to be proactive.  You just won’t see the results until I start posting all those reviews and other things that I loved writing before this slump took my blogging mojo.

My Top Commenter: Vicky @ Books and Strips

What are you reading this week?

One thought on “Monday’s Minutes

  1. I’m still chipping away at Mad Ship by Robin Hobb this week. It looks like you have a great plan to combat the blogging doldrums- I hope it works out for you. I haven’t been blogging that much lately, either, due to my hand/arm issues, but those seem to be clearing up. Hopefully I will have an actual (new) critique on my blog by the end of April!
    ~ Litha Nelle

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