Monday’s Minutes #19

Currently Reading: A Crown for Cold Silver by Alex Marshall, a review book, The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell, The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon, The House of Spirits by Isabel Allende for the Classics Club Spin #9, and The Coffee Legacy by Katharina Bordet.

Crown Sparrow FieryHouse  Coffee

Finished: At the Water’s Edge by Sara Gruen,  which I won’t be reviewing until after Bout of Books 13.



S&S Bingo2update9

Total pages read for the week: 526 pages and 66% of The Coffee Legacy.

Total # of books for the year: 27.  Despite Finals, I got quite a bit of reading done.  I’ve got two Finals left, and then I’ll have the rest of the week to dedicate to Bout of Books 13.  With the exception of my #FitReaders check-in and Read-Along Recap, I won’t be posting anything other than my daily Bout of Books updates this week, but be on the lookout for some great posts next week, including Thursday’s Things #5!

Top Commenters: This week, my Top Commenter was Shaina @ Shaina Reads.

What are you reading this week?