#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for September 9th – 15th.
  • While I didn’t get anywhere near my step goal, I did get out every day during my morning break at work to walk.  The temperature is finally cool enough for the first half of the day that I can get a few steps in.  Hopefully, it will be cooler soon so I can go out during my lunch and afternoon break as well.
  • My first meeting with my new “coach” was mostly an introductory, getting to know you meeting.  However, I did set a daily calorie goal and did my first weigh-in.  I also committed to tracking all of my food.
  • I’m no longer going to be tracking how many flights of stairs I do each week.  I have no problem surpassing that goal since I have stairs at home and I always take the stairs, instead of the elevator, at work.
  • My work schedule may be changing next week, so my workout plans/goals will have to change too.  I’m still figuring it out, but I’m sure it won’t be a problem.
  • I got my medal for the 50-mile Road to Hogwarts virtual race I completed:

I’m looking forward to doing more of these so I have an excuse to buy a rack to display this and any future medals I earn.

  • If you’d like to add me as a friend on FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • Steps: 33,607/49,000
  • Miles: 13.81/17.5
  • Active Minutes: 160/175
  • Days I Tracked My Food: 7/7
  • Monthly 5K Races Completed: 3/10
  • Monthly 1 Mile Fun “Runs” Completed: 2/10
  • Total Money Donated: $22.13/$25.00