#FitReaders Check-In #7

Geeky Bloggers Book Blog
  • This check-in is for Feb. 9th – 15th.  My goal for this week was an average of 7K steps per day, and since I hit that goal, I’ll be working towards 8K steps per day from Feb. 16th – 22nd.
  • I’ll add 1K steps each week until I’m completing 12K steps per day.  After that, I’ll add in resistance training and/or jogging.  I didn’t go to any hot yoga classes this week.
  • If it weren’t for this challenge, I don’t think I would have met my goal this week.  I pushed myself harder than I would have if I didn’t do these weekly check-ins.  8K steps a day is going to be difficult because I’m now at the point where I have to walk every day.  In previous weeks, I was able to get enough steps to cover multiple days, so if something came up, I was still covered.  That also allowed for full rest days.  Now I don’t have that option, so I’m not sure how that’s going to work for the days when I’m stuck at my computer writing my research papers.
  • One thing I’m proud of is that I’m beginning to see a difference in my level of fitness.  I still haven’t lost any weight or inches, but when the Boyfriend and I were walking our usual route, which includes a steep hill, I didn’t get winded going up the hill.  In fact, the Boyfriend and I continued our conversation all the way to the top and I didn’t even need to stop to catch my breath 🙂
  • If you’d like to add me as a friend on FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • Total Steps: 50,463
  • Total Distance: 20.75 miles
  • Total Floors Climbed: 146