#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for February 19th – 25th.
  • I’ve lost one pound this week, bringing my weight down by a total of 9 pounds.  This has been a super stressful week, and I’m very surprised that I lost weight instead of gaining.
  • Though my original change in diet included being allowed to have one fast-food meal per month, I’m finding that I’m sorely disappointed in the taste and quality and I don’t want it anymore.  I’d rather make a burger and fries at home.
  • I will be trying my hand at gardening this year, and I’m really excited about it!  I’ll be outside and more physically active and will hopefully end up with a lot of great-tasting produce.
  • If you have a Fitbit, you can find me HERE.
  • Active Days: 3/5
  • Steps: 33,385
  • Miles: 13.60/17.26
  • Total Miles: 107.17/900
  • Active Minutes: 128/150