Down the TBR Hole #101

Image: hjl

How it works:

  • Go to your Goodreads want-to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

My shelf is up one book to 1148.
This week’s books:

Everyone Loves You When You’re Dead by Neil Strauss – GO.  This is a book of celebrity interviews, and I mistakenly thought it was all interviews of musicians when I bought it.

Power Hungry by Howard Weinstein, Masks by John Vornholt, and The Captain’s Honor by David Dvorkin and Daniel Dvorkin – KEEP.  These are books 6, 7, and 8 in the “Star Trek: The Next Generation” series, and I eventually want to own and read all of them.

The Possessed by Elif Batuman – GO.  I want to be the kind of reader who loves Russian novels and would love to read this book about Russian novels, but I’m not.  I only got through Anna Karenina by listening to the audiobook, and I’ve put off starting War and Peace for over a decade.  Russian novels are dark and depressing, and the Russian History course I took in college was so dark and depressing that I steered clear of anything having to do with Russia for months.  It’s time to let this book go.

Shakespeare Wrote for Money, The Polysyllabic Spree, and Housekeeping Vs. The Dirt by Nick Hornby- KEEP. I have greatly enjoyed most of Hornby’s novels, and I found all three of these books containing his articles from “The Believer” magazine in a used bookstore.

Touching Darkness by Scott Westerfeld – KEEP.  This is the second book in the “Midnighters” series, and I loved the first book, The Secret Hour.
My want-to-read shelf is down one to 1146 books. The next post will be full of ebooks I own, which are usually hit or miss as far as what I will decide to keep.  Most of my ebooks are freebies I got during times when I was on some type of book-buying ban or didn’t have money to spend on anything other than necessities.