Dewey’s 24-Hour #Readathon

Dewey's Readathon_Pocketwatch_Bellezza

Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon has officially started!  I’ve been awake since around 6 am, thanks to both of our cats deciding that the Boyfriend and I needed to be awake. I’ve got my huge cup of tea and I’m set up in the den on our super comfy couch to read while I eat my cinnamon chip toast with a little bit of butter.

My first book of the readathon is How to Survive a Horror Movie by Seth Grahame-Smith. While I still have my pile of books, I’m trying something a little different this time and pulled 9 physical books from the list by length. So, in theory, I’ll only be reading shorter books from my shelves instead of books from any other format, with the exception of one audiobook I already started yesterday, World War Z by Max Brooks. I’ll be posting updates here every 8 hours.

My #Readathon TBR stack
  • What fine part of the world are you reading from today? I’m in Columbus, OH.
  • Which book in your stack are you looking forward to the most? Poison for Breakfast by Lemony Snicket.
  • Which snack are you looking forward to the most? I went to Trader Joe’s and bought all.the.snacks. Their peanut butter pretzel bites are my fave, but I also got a bag of their rice cracker mix, a package of fig cookies, and so many other yummy things!
  • Tell us a little something about yourself!  I recently moved into the main part of my house, out of the attached guest house, after the renovation was finally finished, and I’ve been spending the past week getting everything put away and set up so that I don’t have to do anything but relax and read this weekend.
  • If you participated in the last readathon, what’s one thing you’ll do differently today? As mentioned above, I’ve selected a small stack of books from my physical TBR, based on length, that I will attempt to stick to for this readathon. I don’t know if it will work, or if I’ll veer off into my Kindle or one of several audiobook apps I have on my phone, but we’ll see. I also have an hourly reading goal of at least 30 minutes per hour (so hopefully I’ll read for 12 hours of the readathon) and an overall reading goal of 700 pages.

My first update will be at 4 pm.  I’ll be tracking how many pages I read and any books I finish.  I’ll also include snacks I’ve nommed, and any music I’ve listened to while reading.

Whether you’re participating in the readathon or not, what book(s) are you currently reading? 

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