Classics Club Spin #13


It’s that time again!  The Classics Club is doing another Spin.  I was not at all successful with the last Classics Club Spin, but I’m hoping this time around will go better.  Below is my Spin list.  On Monday, a number between 1 and 20 will be chosen, and I’ll be reading the book from my list that corresponds with that number.  I’ll have until August 1st to finish it.  Depending on which book it is, I might do a read-along.

  1. Albee, Edward: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
  2. Anonymous: One Thousand and One Nights
  3. Atwood, Margaret: A Handmaid’s Tale
  4. Barrie, J.M.: Peter Pan
  5. Dumas, Alexandre: The Count of Monte Cristo
  6. Remarque: All Quiet on the Western Front
  7. Bronte, Anne: Agnes Grey
  8. Fitzgerald, F. Scott: Tender is the Night
  9. Milton, John: Paradise Lost
  10. Burnett, Frances Hodgson: The Secret Garden
  11. Proust, Marcel: Swann’s Way
  12. Burroughs, Edgar Rice: Tarzan of the Apes
  13. Goethe, Johann: Faust
  14. Yeats, William Butler: Irish Faerie Tales
  15. Golding, William: Lord of the Flies
  16. Wells, H.G.: The Time Machine
  17. Heller, Joseph: Catch-22
  18. Hemingway, Ernest: A Farewell to Arms
  19. Crane, Stephen: Red Badge of Courage
  20. Swift, Jonathon: Gulliver’s Travels