#BoutofBooks 32 – Day 5

The Bout of Books readathon is organized by Amanda Shofner and Kelly Rubidoux Apple. It’s a weeklong readathon that begins at 12:01 am Monday, August 16th, and runs through Sunday, August 22nd in YOUR time zone. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are reading sprints, Twitter chats, and exclusive Instagram challenges, but they’re all completely optional. For all Bout of Books 32 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. – From the Bout of Books team

I finished The Stranger’s Magic by Max Frei and started Cannonbridge by Jonathan Barnes, which means I’ve gone beyond my goal for this Bout of Books with 2 more days to go. I doubt I’ll finish Cannonbridge today, but I’m hoping to finish it before the end of the weekend.

  • Time Read:  3 hours 22 minutes
  • Pages Read: 135
  • Books Finished: 1

Are you participating in Bout of Books? Let me know in the comments!