#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for June 7th  – 13th.
  • This has been another busy week at work with not a whole lot of time to do anything else. Next week probably won’t be much different, but I fly out to Florida on Saturday to watch and cheer on my BFF in the Warrior Games.
  • If you have a FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • Workouts: 1/5
  • Steps: 26,391
  • Miles: 12.87
  • Total Miles: 323.89
  • Active Minutes: 52

Monday's Minutes

“Monday’s Minutes” is a weekly post in which I track my bookish life.  All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.
Currently Reading:

  • Gates of Thread and Stone by Lori M. Lee
  • How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell
  • Sarah’s Quilt by Nancy E. Turner


  • Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy

Total pages read this week: 315
Total books for the year: 35 of 50.  Summer has come to the Bay Area of California.  Yesterday was 94 degrees, and today it’s supposed to get up to 96. I made peach iced tea yesterday and got guava juice to make guava pops. I also got raspberries and half-and-half to make raspberry “ice cream” (Freeze the raspberries, and then pour some half-and-half over them to coat. Yummy.).
What are you reading this week?

Down the TBR Hole #66

Image: hjl

Down the TBR Hole was started by Lia over at Lost in a Story.  All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.

How it works:

  • Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

I will be repeating this process until I’ve filtered out my entire TBR.

My TBR pile is up to 671 books.  I came across a couple of books while I was catching up on the blogs I read, and I just had to add them to my wish list.

This week’s books:

The Emperor’s Knife by Mazarkis Williams – GO.  The synopsis reads like this is a standard Fantasy novel, but everything else I looked at on Goodreads made me think this is not what it appears to be and I would be better off not bothering to find out.

Wish You Were Here by Leslie Simon – KEEP. I’m sure quite a bit of the “today’s music scene” parts of this book will be obsolete, given that it was published a decade ago, but I don’t care.  I still want to read it.

The Whitefire Crossing by Courtney Schafer – KEEP.  Nothing in the synopsis, or anything else on Goodreads gave me pause. So, while I’m not sure this book will be great, I’m going to give it a chance.

The Last Romanov by Dora Levy Mossanen – GO.  This book was a freebie I snatched up with the assumption that it would be Historical Fiction about Anastasia, but apparently it’s more of a Fantasy in an historical setting than anything else and the main character is fictional.  I’ll pass.

Rose of Fire by Carlos Ruiz Zafón – KEEP. I loved The Shadow of the Wind and The Angel’s Game.  The Prisoner of Heaven is on my TBR and The Labyrinth of Spirits is on my wish list.  This is a 30 page short story that is considered to be book 2.5 in the series.

My TBR pile is back down to 669 books.  I’m hoping to make a significant dent in it while Sci-Fi Summer is happening. It starts in a couple of weeks, so I’m trying to finish at least one more book before then, that way I can focus on all of the wonderful Science Fiction on my TBR.


Monday's Minutes

“Monday’s Minutes” is a weekly post in which I track my bookish life.  All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.
Currently Reading:

  • Gates of Thread and Stone by Lori M. Lee
  • Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy
  • How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell


  • The Revenge of Analog by David Sax

Total pages read this week: 274
Total books for the year: 34 of 50. I’ve been trying to stop myself from being distracted by every book I look at and want to pick up to read. Otherwise, I would have 9 books on my “Currently Reading” list right now, and it would be forever before I finished any of them. So, I applied some discipline to stick with the books I’ve already started, as much as possible, and finish them before I grab another book.
What are you reading this week?

The 2019 Sci-Fi Summer Reading Challenge!

SCI-FI SUMMERReading Challenge
There’s Sci-Fi November, and Vintage Sci-Fi January, but for me, the Summer is the time of year that is best for reading Science Fiction.  So, from June 21st, the official first day of Summer, to the 22nd of September (the day before the Autumnal Equinox), I’m reading as much Sci-Fi as possible.  I’ve got a lot of it on my TBR shelves, and I’m inviting all of you to join me.
Here are the challenge levels:

  • Red Shirt – 1 to 5 books
  • Viper Pilot – 6 to 10 books
  • Jedi – 11 to 15 books
  • Time Lord – 16 or more books

Any book of at least 100 pages that is classified as Science Fiction, including any Sci-Fi subgenres, qualifies for this challenge.  That means audiobooks, physical books, ebooks, library books, free books, other borrowed books, anthologies, and graphic novels are all acceptable options.  You may also count any Sci-Fi book that counts towards another reading challenge.  On June 21st, I’ll post the link up for your reviews, and it will stay open until September 29th.
Are you up to the #SciFiSummer challenge?  Link up your sign-up posts below:

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

The sign-up will remain open until September 15th, a week before the challenge ends.

#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for May 24th – 30th.
  • My new shoes have helped my feet quite a bit, but what has worked even better is using a massage ball to roll my feet over when I’m at home and sitting at my desk.
  • If you have a FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • Workouts: 1/5
  • Steps: 25,041
  • Miles: 10.28
  • Total Miles: 297.55
  • Active Minutes: 90

Monday's Minutes

“Monday’s Minutes” is a weekly post in which I track my bookish life.  All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.
Currently Reading:

  • Gates of Thread and Stone by Lori M. Lee
  • The Revenge of Analog by David Sax
  • Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy


  • Boundary Crossed by Melissa F. Olson

Total pages read this week: 297
Total books for the year: 33 of 50. Today is Memorial Day.  I usually stay off of the internet, and definitely away from social media on Memorial Day, but I wanted to make sure I got this posted before I turned off my computer.
What are you reading this week?

Down the TBR Hole #65

Image: hjl

Down the TBR Hole was started by Lia over at Lost in a Story.  All book covers are linked to Goodreads unless otherwise noted.

How it works:

  • Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

I will be repeating this process until I’ve filtered out my entire TBR.

My TBR pile is down to 672 books thanks to Bout of Books.

This week’s books:

The Death Series by Tamara Rose Blodgett – GO.  From what I was able to gather from the synopsis, this is a near-future YA Paranormal Dystopian Mystery series that goes way beyond these first 3 books.  That is just way too much to be good. I’m all for brain candy, but not if it’s going to kill my brain cells.

Out of Time Series by Monique Martin – GO. Again, there is too much going on in these books.  This one is a Time-Travel Mystery that also involves Vampires and Romance.  I love Time-Travel novels.  I also love Vampire novels.  I greatly enjoy Mystery series, but usually only when they are somehow book-related. Y’all know my feelings about Romance. Those individual genres or subgenres are great on their own, but I don’t know how anyone can put them all together and do it well.

The Other Queen by Philippa Gregory – KEEP.  It has been a while since I’ve read any books by Gregory, but I have several of them on my TBR, and I’ve enjoyed all of the others I’ve read. They’re not the most historically accurate, but I don’t think they need to be in order to be good reading.

The Reading Group by Elizabeth Noble – KEEP.  You would be right if you said, “this isn’t your usual genre.” Contemporary Women’s Fiction is definitely not what I usually read.  You would also be right if you said I only got it because it involves books.  That is also why it will stay on my TBR for now.

Planet Urth by Jennifer and Christopher Martucci – GO. The synopsis is too vague and when I looked at the reviews, there were far too many of them that were 2 stars or less.

My TBR mountain is down to 669. At the rate I’m going, I think I can hit my goal for the year, which if I remember correctly, is 625.

#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for May 17th – 23rd.
  • My feet are still bothering me. I ordered new shoes, but haven’t had the chance to wear them yet.
  • If you have a FitBit, you can find me HERE.
  • Workouts: 3/5
  • Steps: 35,869
  • Miles: 14.74
  • Total Miles: 287.27
  • Active Minutes: 97