#24in48 Update

Only 12 hours left of the 24 in 48 readathon!  Below is my update.

Update #4

I let myself sleep in this morning and then didn’t get out of bed until I felt like it.  This time of year makes it difficult to remove myself from the comfort and warmth of my blankets.  I had oatmeal with some raisins and a yogurt along with my usual large cup of tea for breakfast, and I’ve been listening to The Paris Winter.

Current Reads:

  • Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe – I’m not planning to continue reading this until later this afternoon, or maybe early evening.
  • The Paris Winter by Imogen Robertson

Moll Flanders Paris Winter

Books Finished: The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry


Pages Read: 69

Total Pages Read: 388

Time Read: 45 minutes

Total Time Read: 12 hours

My next update will be at 6 pm Central time (7 pm EST).  Happy reading!