#24in48 Update

We’re now a whole day into the 24 in 48 readathon.  I’m off to bed, but below is my update.

Update #3

Instead of having the spinach feta pizza pocket, the Boyfriend brought me Chinese food 🙂

Current Reads:

  • Moll Flanders by Daniel Defoe – I’m almost done with this, with less than 100 pages left to go, but it’s slow going.
  • The Paris Winter by Imogen Robertson – I listened to this a little bit after my eyes started getting heavy.

Moll Flanders Paris Winter

Books Finished: The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry


Pages Read: 133

Total Pages Read: 319

Time Read: 5 hours

Total Time Read: 11 hours 15 minutes

My next update will be at noon tomorrow.  Goodnight!