#24in48 Readathon Update #2

We’re now a whole day into the 24 in 48 readathon.  I’m off to bed, but below is my update.
Update #2
I really didn’t prepare for this readathon like I have in the past, and that started to show shortly after breakfast.  I didn’t get nearly as much reading time accomplished as I wanted to, but that’s because I fell asleep twice while reading The Fellowship of the Ring.  I was enjoying it, but I was so tired from not getting enough sleep (thanks to the cat) that it wasn’t enough to keep me awake.  After my two naps, I realized I needed to switch books.  I finished listening to Bookmarked for Death and started The Scorpio Races while I did some laundry, then I read Feed for a bit until my Nook warned me my battery was about to die.  I couldn’t even read (R)evolution by P.J. Manney because my Kindle needed to be recharged as well.  On top of that, I was feeling a little moody and didn’t want to read Primary Inversion by Catherine Asaro, so I picked up The Giver instead.
I remembered that I had leftover Chinese food from Friday night, so I ate that for lunch.  I had some of my ice cream for dessert, and I had vegetarian “fish” filets and fries for dinner.  I also drank a lot of green iced tea.
Current Reads:

  • The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
  • Feed by Mira Grant
  • The Giver by Lois Lowry

Fellowship Scorpio Feed
Books Finished:

  • Bookmarked for Death by Lorna Barrett

Pages Read: 457
Total Pages Read: 496
Time Read: 7 hours 51 minutes
Total Time Read: 9 hours 36 minutes
My next update will be at noon tomorrow.  Now that my Kindle and Nook are charged, tomorrow should be a better reading day.  Goodnight!