Thursday’s Quotables #10


I had three Finals back to back yesterday.  I’m exhausted mentally.  I had several items on my to-do list for today, but nothing so important that it can’t wait until tomorrow.  I’m staying in my pajamas, and I plan on spending most of the day with Dresden the cat, my Doctor Who blanket, several cups of tea, and a book or two.  So, today’s quotes are all about books:

I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library. – Jorge Luis Borges

Or, a fully stocked bookstore with a cafe that serves all my favorite snacks and teas…

Build yourself a book-nest to forget the world without. – Abraham Cowley

On the other hand, staying at home with my own library and kitchen is better…

Pre-slumber reading should be a kind of small private devotion during which we beat a quiet retreat from the practical. – “Pillow Books” by Clifton Fadiman

Because then I can also take a nap whenever I feel like it…

“You”, he said, addressing the desk and its multiple burdens, “can wait for a day.  So can you,” he said to the wall, and defiantly plucked a mystery novel from the shelf.  He glanced around belligerently, as though daring any of the furnishings to object, but there was no sound but the whirring of the electric fire.  He switched it off and, book under his arm, left the study, flicking off the light.”Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon

Bye for now!  I’ll be back tomorrow.  Until then, I hope you’re able to take at least an hour or two to escape reality with a good book 🙂


0 thoughts on “Thursday’s Quotables #10

  1. Congrats on being all done! Three finals in one day is no joke.

    Also, these quotes are so wonderful! Especially loving the last one… I sometimes wonder if inanimate objects are judging me for how much time I spend with my nose in a book.

    Enjoy your day of rest. 🙂

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