Super Rad Announcement


fist pump

Due to this, I’ve been celebrating with the Boyfriend and texting back and forth with friends and loved ones instead of writing today’s book review.  I got the call first thing in the morning yesterday after I got home from my part-time job.  My head has been somewhere in the clouds since I got that phone call, and my shoulders are back where they’re supposed to be, so I can only assume that they were anchoring my head while connected to my ears for the past month and a half of job hunting.

Anyway, my life is no longer on a semi-hold, and starting in two weeks I’ll be earning a higher salary than I was expecting to be offered right out of college, even with my work experience.  I’ll also be doing something that I’ll (hopefully) enjoy, and the benefits are excellent.  I’ve been doing a happy dance and randomly jumping up and down while simultaneously freaking the cat out with my exuberant behavior.  I don’t think he knows what to do around me right now.

Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten that tomorrow is Harry Potter Book Night!  I’ll be spending the day making sure that’s all in order, and everything is ready to go by 5 pm CST tomorrow 🙂  Until then…

Lisa Simpson Happy Dance

5 thoughts on “Super Rad Announcement

  1. Congrats, Rachelle! I saw your tweet and figured it was either you got a job or Hogwarts was opening its doors to older Muggles like us. 😉
    ~Litha Nelle

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