Review: Emissary


  • Author: Thomas Locke
  • ISBN: 9780800723859
  • Publisher: Revell
  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Pages: 400

I received this book from the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.


Hyam has always shown a remarkable ability to master languages, even those left unspoken for a thousand years. But now the shadow of suspicion that was cast upon him as a child prodigy at Long Hall is lengthening, and he must keep his identity hidden–or face annihilation.

As Hyam’s mother slips toward death, she implores him to return to Long Hall before he settles down to farm his land. This journey born from duty becomes an impassioned quest for the truth. War is coming swiftly, and Hyam must rely upon his newfound powers and the friends he meets along the way in order to unravel the puzzling past and ensure that he–and the realm–will have a future. – Goodreads

Emissary is your standard Fantasy genre novel.  It wasn’t too pulpy, but it also wasn’t so amazing that I would add it to my list of all-time faves.  It’s also the first book of a series called “Legends of the Realm.”  However, I’m not in any hurry to pick up the second book, Merchant of Alyss.

The singular reason for not rushing head-long into the next book is because the author tossed in the one trope I’m so beyond sick of seeing.  Why is it that every time there is a male and female character a romance develops, regardless of the situation in which the two meet?!  Why can’t they be friends or partners, and why can’t the woman exist in and add to the story on her own without being romantically linked to the main character?

If it weren’t for the addition of an unnecessary and hasty “this is true love”, I would give Emissary four stars.  If you have no problem with that particularly tired trope, and you’re a fan of the traditional Fantasy genre (and you probably are if you’re reading this blog), then give this book a chance.  It’s a solid three-star read.




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