#FitReaders Check-In

  • This check-in is for April 7th – 13th.
  • I began looking at all of the symptoms I’ve been dealing with for the past couple of weeks. While stress is a contributing factor, I’m thinking that I might be in perimenopause. I started considering this when I started having night sweats, so I checked out a book about it from the library. I discovered a whole bunch more symptoms I had been having that I didn’t realize were also signs of perimenopause.
  • To help me track my symptoms and figure out what triggers them or makes them worse, I found a free app called Balance. I linked to their website because there’s another app with the same name but for mindfulness and meditation.
  • If you have a Fitbit, you can find me HERE.
  • Active Days: 3/5
  • Steps: 37,204
  • Miles: 15.16/15.34
  • Miles Outside: 8.75/100
  • Total Miles: 210.71/800
  • Active Minutes: 99/150